Homo erectus at Trinil on Java used shells for tool production and engraving JCA Joordens, F d'Errico, FP Wesselingh, S Munro, J de Vos, J Wallinga, ... Nature, 2014 | 440 | 2014 |
Cretaceous S Voigt, M Wagreich, F Surlyk, I Walaszczyk, D Ulicny, S Cech, T Voigt, ... Geological Society Publishing House, 2008 | 137 | 2008 |
Physical drivers of mosasaur evolution MJ Polcyn, LL Jacobs, R Araújo, AS Schulp, O Mateus Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 400, 17-27, 2014 | 132 | 2014 |
Titanosaurid trackways from the Upper Cretaceous of Bolivia: evidence for large manus, wide-gauge locomotion and gregarious behaviour M Lockley, AS Schulp, CA Meyer, G Leonardi, DK Mamani Cretaceous Research 23 (3), 383-400, 2002 | 129 | 2002 |
A large new mosasaur from the Upper Cretaceous of The Netherlands RW Dortangs, AS Schulp, EWA Mulder, JWM Jagt, HHG Peeters, ... Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 81, 1-8, 2002 | 93 | 2002 |
A new species of Prognathodon (Squamata, Mosasauridae) from the Maastrichtian of Angola, and the affinities of the mosasaur genus Liodon AS Schulp, MJ Polcyn, O Mateus, LL Jacobs, ML Morais, MJ Everhart Proceedings of the Second Mosasaur Meeting 3, 1-12, 2008 | 87 | 2008 |
A new European marsupial indicates a Late Cretaceous high-latitude transatlantic dispersal route JE Martin, JA Case, JWM Jagt, AS Schulp, EWA Mulder Journal of Mammalian Evolution 12, 495-511, 2005 | 86 | 2005 |
Synchrotron imaging of dentition provides insights into the biology of Hesperornis and Ichthyornis, the "last" toothed birds M Dumont, P Tafforeau, T Bertin, BAB Bhullar, D Field, A Schulp, ... BMC Evolutionary Biology 16 (178), 28, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
Angolatitan adamastor, a new sauropod dinosaur and the first record from Angola O Mateus, LL Jacobs, AS Schulp, MJ Polcyn, TS Tavares, A Buta Neto, ... Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 83, 221-233, 2011 | 71 | 2011 |
The occurrence and geological setting of Cretaceous dinosaurs, mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, and turtles from Angola LL Jacobs Gosaengmul Hag-hoeji= Journal of the Paleontological Society of Korea 22 (1), 91, 2006 | 70 | 2006 |
Feeding the Mechanical Mosasaur: what did Carinodens eat? AS Schulp Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 84 (3), 345-357, 2005 | 59 | 2005 |
Maastrichtian sauropod footprints from the Fumanya site, Bergueda, Spain AS Schulp, WA Brokx Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant & Animal 6 (4), 239-250, 1999 | 59 | 1999 |
Relevance of the eastern African coastal forest for early hominin biogeography JCA Joordens, CS Feibel, HB Vonhof, AS Schulp, D Kroon Journal of Human Evolution 131, 176-202, 2019 | 58 | 2019 |
New aristonectine elasmosaurid plesiosaur specimens from the Early Maastrichtian of Angola and comments on paedomorphism in plesiosaurs R Araújo, MJ Polcyn, J Lindgren, LL Jacobs, AS Schulp, O Mateus, ... Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 94 (1), 93-108, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
The North African Mosasaur Globidens phosphaticus from the Maastrichtian of Angola MJ Polcyn, LL Jacobs, AS Schulp, O Mateus Historical Biology 22 (1-3), 175-185, 2010 | 48 | 2010 |
The oldest African eucryptodiran turtle from the Cretaceous of Angola O Mateus, L Jacobs, M Polcyn, AS Schulp, D Vineyard, AB Neto, ... Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (4), 581-588, 2009 | 48 | 2009 |
Europe's last Mesozoic bird GJ Dyke, RW Dortangs, JW Jagt, EW Mulder, AS Schulp, LM Chiappe Naturwissenschaften 89, 408-411, 2002 | 46 | 2002 |
Cretaceous amniotes from Angola: dinosaurs, pterosaurs, mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, and turtles O Mateus, MJ Polcyn, LL Jacobs, R Araújo, AS Schulp, J Marinheiro, ... Jornadas Internacionales sobre Paleontología de Dinosaurios y su Entorno, 71-105, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
A new elasmosaurid from the early Maastrichtian of Angola and the implications of girdle morphology on swimming style in plesiosaurs R Araújo, MJ Polcyn, AS Schulp, O Mateus, LL Jacobs, ... Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 12, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Cretaceous paleogeography, paleoclimatology, and amniote biogeography of the low and mid-latitude South Atlantic Ocean LL Jacobs, O Mateus, MJ Polcyn, AS Schulp, CR Scotese, A Goswami, ... Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 180 (4), 333-341, 2009 | 40 | 2009 |