SpaceEx: Scalable verification of hybrid systems G Frehse, C Le Guernic, A Donzé, S Cotton, R Ray, O Lebeltel, R Ripado, ... Computer Aided Verification: 23rd International Conference, CAV 2011 …, 2011 | 1236 | 2011 |
Robust satisfaction of temporal logic over real-valued signals A Donzé, O Maler International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems …, 2010 | 869 | 2010 |
Breach, a toolbox for verification and parameter synthesis of hybrid systems A Donzé Computer Aided Verification: 22nd International Conference, CAV 2010 …, 2010 | 714 | 2010 |
Model predictive control from signal temporal logic specifications: A case study V Raman, M Maasoumy, A Donzé Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGBED International Workshop on Design, Modeling …, 2014 | 532 | 2014 |
Specification-based monitoring of cyber-physical systems: a survey on theory, tools and applications E Bartocci, J Deshmukh, A Donzé, G Fainekos, O Maler, D Ničković, ... Lectures on Runtime Verification: Introductory and Advanced Topics, 135-175, 2018 | 393 | 2018 |
Reactive synthesis from signal temporal logic specifications V Raman, A Donzé, D Sadigh, RM Murray, SA Seshia Proceedings of the 18th international conference on hybrid systems …, 2015 | 356 | 2015 |
Efficient robust monitoring for STL A Donzé, T Ferrere, O Maler International conference on computer aided verification, 264-279, 2013 | 312 | 2013 |
Mining requirements from closed-loop control models X Jin, A Donzé, JV Deshmukh, SA Seshia Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Hybrid systems …, 2013 | 285 | 2013 |
Compositional falsification of cyber-physical systems with machine learning components T Dreossi, A Donzé, SA Seshia Journal of Automated Reasoning 63 (4), 1031-1053, 2019 | 284 | 2019 |
Robust online monitoring of signal temporal logic JV Deshmukh, A Donzé, S Ghosh, X Jin, G Juniwal, SA Seshia Formal Methods in System Design 51, 5-30, 2017 | 238 | 2017 |
Systematic simulation using sensitivity analysis A Donzé, O Maler International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 174-189, 2007 | 229 | 2007 |
Parametric identification of temporal properties E Asarin, A Donzé, O Maler, D Nickovic Runtime Verification: Second International Conference, RV 2011, San …, 2012 | 210 | 2012 |
A contract-based methodology for aircraft electric power system design P Nuzzo, H Xu, N Ozay, JB Finn, AL Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, RM Murray, ... IEEE Access 2, 1-25, 2013 | 192 | 2013 |
Verification of analog and mixed-signal circuits using hybrid system techniques T Dang, A Donzé, O Maler International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 21-36, 2004 | 166 | 2004 |
Efficient guiding strategies for testing of temporal properties of hybrid systems T Dreossi, T Dang, A Donzé, J Kapinski, X Jin, JV Deshmukh NASA Formal Methods: 7th International Symposium, NFM 2015, Pasadena, CA …, 2015 | 134 | 2015 |
On temporal logic and signal processing A Donzé, O Maler, E Bartocci, D Nickovic, R Grosu, S Smolka Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 10th International …, 2012 | 114 | 2012 |
Robustness analysis and behavior discrimination in enzymatic reaction networks A Donzé, E Fanchon, LM Gattepaille, O Maler, P Tracqui PloS one 6 (9), e24246, 2011 | 79 | 2011 |
Parameter synthesis in nonlinear dynamical systems: Application to systems biology A Donzé, G Clermont, CJ Langmead Journal of Computational Biology 17 (3), 325-336, 2010 | 78 | 2010 |
On signal temporal logic A Donzé Runtime Verification: 4th International Conference, RV 2013, Rennes, France …, 2013 | 74 | 2013 |
Parameter synthesis for hybrid systems with an application to simulink models A Donzé, B Krogh, A Rajhans International workshop on hybrid systems: Computation and control, 165-179, 2009 | 69 | 2009 |