In silico improvement of the cyanobacterial lectin microvirin and mannose interaction AM Lima, AS Siqueira, MLS Möller, RC Souza, JN Cruz, ARJ Lima, ... Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 40 (3), 1064-1073, 2022 | 68 | 2022 |
Anabaenopeptins: What we know so far PR Monteiro, SC do Amaral, AS Siqueira, LP Xavier, AV Santos Toxins 13 (8), 522, 2021 | 57 | 2021 |
Determination of biodiesel properties based on a fatty acid profile of eight Amazon cyanobacterial strains grown in two different culture media JB Aboim, D Oliveira, JE Ferreira, AS Siqueira, LT Dall'Agnol, ... RSC Advances 6 (111), 109751-109758, 2016 | 35 | 2016 |
Isolation and characterization of cassava root endophytic bacteria with the ability to promote plant growth and control the in vitro and in vivo growth of Phytopythium sp. S da Cunha Ferreira, AK Nakasone, SMC do Nascimento, DA de Oliveira, ... Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 116, 101709, 2021 | 23 | 2021 |
In silico analysis of the cyanobacterial lectin scytovirin: new insights into binding properties AS Siqueira, ARJ Lima, RC de Souza, AS Santos, JLSG Vianez Júnior, ... Molecular Biology Reports 44, 353-358, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Draft Genome Sequence of the Brazilian Cyanobium sp. Strain CACIAM 14 ARJ Lima, AS Siqueira, BGS Dos Santos, FDF da Silva, CP Lima, ... Genome Announcements 2 (4), 10.1128/genomea. 00669-14, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Comparative modeling and molecular dynamics suggest high carboxylase activity of the Cyanobium sp. CACIAM14 RbcL protein AS Siqueira, ARJ Lima, LT Dall’Agnol, JSN de Azevedo, ... Journal of molecular modeling 22, 1-8, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Draft Genome Sequence of Blastomonas sp. Strain CACIA 14H2, a Heterotrophic Bacterium Associated with Cyanobacteria ARJ Lima, AS Siqueira, BGS Dos Santos, FDF da Silva, CP Lima, ... Genome Announcements 2 (1), 10.1128/genomea. 01200-13, 2014 | 9 | 2014 |
Nutritional status and adverse outcomes in older depressed inpatients: a prospective study ZM Lobato, ACA da Silva, SML Ribeiro, MM Biella, ASS Siqueira, ... The Journal of nutrition, health and aging 25 (7), 889-894, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Changes in transcript levels of cassava superoxide dismutase and catalase during interaction with Phytopythium sp. DM Callegari, AM Lima, NLF Barros, AS Siqueira, EF Moura, ... Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 114, 101629, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Insights Into Limnothrix sp. Metabolism Based on Comparative Genomics ARJ Lima, AS Siqueira, JM Vasconcelos, JS Pereira, JSN Azevedo, ... Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2811, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Anti-dengue virus activity of scytovirin and evaluation of point mutation effects by molecular dynamics and binding free energy calculations AS Siqueira, ARJ Lima, RC de Souza, AS Santos, JLSG Vianez, ... Biochemical and biophysical research communications 490 (3), 1033-1038, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Investigating the effects of point mutations on the affinity between the cyanobacterial lectin microvirin and high mannose-type glycans present on the HIV envelope glycoprotein R Conceição de Souza, G de Medeiros Muniz, AS Siqueira, ... Journal of molecular modeling 22, 1-9, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Genomic screening of new putative antiviral lectins from Amazonian cyanobacteria based on a bioinformatics approach AS Siqueira, ARJ Lima, DCF Aguiar, AS Santos, JLSG Vianez Júnior, ... Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 86 (10), 1047-1054, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Vianez Júnior, JLDSG; Gonçalves, EC Genomic screening of new putative antiviral lectins from Amazonian cyanobacteria based on a bioinformatics approach AS Siqueira, ARJ Lima, DCF Aguiar, AS Santos Proteins 86 (10), 1047-54, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Draft genome sequence of Microcystis aeruginosa CACIAM 03, a cyanobacterium isolated from an Amazonian freshwater environment WO Castro, ARJ Lima, PHG Moraes, AS Siqueira, DCF Aguiar, ... Genome Announcements 4 (6), 10.1128/genomea. 01299-16, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of a cassava translationally controlled tumor protein (MeTCTP) DN Marques, AS Siqueira, EC Gonçalves, NLF Barros, CRB de Souza Plant Gene 19, 100185, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
First molecular detection of canine herpesvirus 1 (CaHV-1) in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon M dos Santos Castro, MBM David, EC Gonçalves, AS Siqueira, ... Journal of Veterinary Science 23 (2), e18, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Ecoepidemiologia da paracoccidioidomicose: Uma revisão narrativa da literatura MJA Silva, EC da Cruz, GCB Gama, AS Siqueira Research, Society and Development 10 (9), e31810918182-e31810918182, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
A new Piper nigrum cysteine proteinase inhibitor, PnCPI, with antifungal activity: molecular cloning, recombinant expression, functional analyses and molecular … AM Lima, NLF Barros, ACO Freitas, LSC Tavares, CP Pirovani, ... Planta 252, 1-15, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |