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Homosexual identity formation: Testing a theoretical model VC Cass Journal of sex research 20 (2), 143-167, 1984 | 1873 | 1984 |
Homosexual identity: A concept in need of definition VC Cass Journal of homosexuality 9 (2-3), 105-126, 1984 | 696 | 1984 |
Sexual orientation identity formation: A Western phenomenon. V Cass American Psychiatric Association, 1996 | 419 | 1996 |
The implications of homosexual identity formation for the Kinsey model and scale of sexual preference. VC Cass Oxford University Press, 1990 | 241 | 1990 |
The elusive orgasm: A woman's guide to why she can't and how she can orgasm V Cass Brightfire Press, 2002 | 35 | 2002 |
Knowledge of AIDS in Australia: a national study MW Ross, JA Carson, VC Cass, J Hart, PR Wilson Health Education Research 3 (4), 367-374, 1988 | 22 | 1988 |
Bringing psychology in from the cold: Framing psychological theory and research within a social constructionist psychology approach V Cass Conversations about psychology and sexual orientation, 106-128, 1999 | 16 | 1999 |
A quick guide to the Cass theory of lesbian & gay identity formation V Cass Vivienne Cass Ph. D., 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Who is influencing whom? The relationship between identity, sexual orientation and indigenous psychologies V Cass Gays and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review 1 (2), 47-52, 2005 | 9 | 2005 |
Sexual orientation and the place of psychology: Side-lined, side-tracked or should that be side-swiped V Cass Gays and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review 2 (1), 27-37, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Sexual orientation, culture and the construction of gay and lesbian identities VC Cass Out in the antipodes: Australian and New Zealand perpectives on gay and …, 2004 | 3 | 2004 |
Homosexual identity formation: The presentation and testing of a socio-cognitive theory VC Cass Murdoch University, 1985 | 2 | 1985 |
However, many mental health professionals (as well as theorists and researchers, unfortunately) have taken an ethnocentric viewpoint, making the incorrect assumption that all … V Cass Out in the Antipodes: Australian & New Zealand Perspectives on Gay and …, 2004 | | 2004 |
Who is influencing whom? The relationship between identity, sexual orientation and indigenous psychology V Cass AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 55, 171-171, 2003 | | 2003 |
Bringing Psychology in from the Cold V Cass Conversations about Psychology and Sexual Orientation, 106, 1999 | | 1999 |
Homosexual Identity Questionnaire V Cass Sexuality-related Measures: A Compendium, 157, 1988 | | 1988 |
Eysenck's Theory of Crime and Personality VC Cass University of Western Australia, 1974 | | 1974 |
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Identity Formation for The Kinsey VC Cass | | |