Full mouth oral rehabilitation by maxillary implant supported hybrid denture employing a fiber reinforced material instead of conventional PMMA AHA Qamheya, S Yeniyol, V Arısan Case reports in dentistry 2015 (1), 841745, 2015 | 24 | 2015 |
Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw and dental implants AHA QAmHeyA, S Yeniyol, V Arisan Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry 50 (1), 59, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Lithium Disilicate Restorations: Overview and A Case Report QMAV Qamheya AHA1 Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders 2 (9), 1047, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Thermal oxidation and hydrofluoric acid treatment on the sandblasted implant surface: A histologic histomorphometric and biomechanical study AHA Qamheya, V Arısan, Z Mutlu, M Karabaglı, M Soluk Tekkeşin, K Kara, ... Clinical oral implants research 29 (7), 741-755, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Crestal Bone and Soft Tissue Stability Surrounding Laser Microtextured Collar of Dental Implant; A 3-year Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation AHAQ Osama Abedelrahman Rasras, Mahmoud Abu Ta'a Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 7 (2), 40-45, 2023 | | 2023 |
İmplant Çevresi Yumuşak Doku Komplikasyonları A A Qamheya, C Aktolun Aydemir, İ Bodur, A Akay, V Arısan Oral İmplantoloji Dergisi 14 (1), 2013 | | 2013 |
Ortodontik Tedavi Görmüş Hastada Kısa İmplant İle Tek Diş Replasmanı: Bir Olgu Sunumu A Qamheya, A Akay, V Arısan | | |
Derin Kapanışlı Bruksist Hastada CAD/CAM Destekli Rehabilitasyon: Bir Olgu Sunumu A Akay, A Qamheya, Z Karabuda, V Arısan | | |