Women in science in Australia: Maximising productivity, diversity and innovation S Bell, K O’Halloran, J Saw, Y Zhao Federation of Australian Scientific & Technological Societies, 2009 | 109* | 2009 |
Australian higher education leaders in times of change: the role of Pro Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor G Scott, S Bell, H Coates, L Grebennikov Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 32 (4), 401-418, 2010 | 81 | 2010 |
Women in science: The persistence of gender in Australia S Bell Higher Education Management and Policy 22 (1), 47-65, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
Women in research S Bell, R Bentley AVCC National Colloquium of Senior Women Executives from http://www …, 2005 | 38* | 2005 |
Women in the science research workforce: Identifying and sustaining the diversity advantage S Bell, L Yates, R May, H Nguyen University of Melbourne, LH Martin Institute, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
The academic mode of production S Bell Practice-led research, research-led practice in the creative arts, 252-263, 2009 | 32 | 2009 |
The distance of a shout S Bell Spatialising Politics: culture and geography in postcolonial Sri Lanka, 72-99, 2009 | 21 | 2009 |
Filming Radio Redfern:‘Riding to Success on the Backs of Blacks ‘? S Bell Media Information Australia 56 (1), 35-37, 1990 | 13 | 1990 |
Ivory towers and glass ceilings: women in non-traditional fields S Bell Student Equity in Australian higher education: Twenty-five years of a fair …, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Re-imagining the university as anchor institution S Bell Transform: The Journal of Engaged Scholarship 4, 9-16, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Charting Uncertainty: Perspectives on Education for the Public Good S Bell Perspectives 17 (September), 2017 | 7* | 2017 |
Ladders of opportunity: Postgraduate equity, professions and the academic workforce S Bell, R May Student equity in Australian higher education: Twenty-five years of A Fair …, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Writing (research) culture S Bell Re-searching research agendas: Women, research and publication in higher …, 2003 | 6 | 2003 |
The critically engaged university of the future S Bell Transform: The Journal of Engaged Scholarship 3, 14-24, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
University Engagement in a Post-Truth World S Bell Transform: The Journal of Engaged Scholarship 1 (1), 14-22, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Women in science: lessons from Australia S Bell International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 2 (3), 2010 | 2 | 2010 |
A framework for evaluating equity initiatives in universities J Neale, S Bell Educational Evaluation: 21st Century Issues and Challenges, 211-26, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
Evaluating equity and diversity initiatives: Tools and approaches J Neale, S Bell, PV Chancellor Australasian Evaluation Society Retrieved November 20, 2009, 2005 | 2 | 2005 |
The secret lives of us S Bell Griffith University, 2004 | 2 | 2004 |
Australian documentary production to 1991: an overview' S Bell The Big Picture: Documentary Film-making in Australia, Papers from the 2nd …, 1993 | 2 | 1993 |