Economic intimidation in contemporary elections: Evidence from Romania and Bulgaria I Mares, A Muntean, T Petrova Government and Opposition 53 (3), 486-517, 2018 | 56 | 2018 |
Trade union strategies in the age of austerity: The Romanian public sector in comparative perspective D Adăscăliței, A Muntean European Journal of Industrial Relations 25 (2), 113-128, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
Chinese investment in Europe: corporate strategies and labour relations J Drahokoupil ETUI, 2017 | 32 | 2017 |
Pressure, favours, and vote-buying: Experimental evidence from Romania and Bulgaria I Mares, A Muntean, T Petrova Europe-Asia Studies 69 (6), 940-960, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
Mayors, ethnic intermediaries and party brokers: explaining variation in clientelistic strategies in rural settings I Mares, A Muntean European Political Science Association, Vienna, 2015 | 19* | 2015 |
The 2009 Romanian presidential election A Muntean, G Pop-Eleches, M Popescu Electoral Studies 29 (4), 753-757, 2010 | 14 | 2010 |
Chinese investment in Romania and Bulgaria J Drahokoupil, V Kirov, A Muntean, E Radu Chinese investment in Europe: corporate strategies and labour relations 141, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Church-state relations in Romania: problems and perspectives of inter-denominational cooperation at the level of church-based NGOs A Muntean Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (12), 84-100, 2005 | 9* | 2005 |
Civil Society in the 2004 Romanian Elections: Watchdog, Involved Arbiter or Political Actor? A Muntean, A Gheorghita Social Change Review 8 (1), 33-68, 2010 | 8* | 2010 |
The Incidence of Economic Intimidation at Times of Elections: Evidence from Romania and Bulgaria I Mares, A Muntean, T Petrova 4th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Edinburgh, 2014 | 7* | 2014 |
Social inequality and why it matters for the economic and democratic development of Europe and its citizens. Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe in Comparative Perspective M Popescu, V Hatieganu, A Muntean …, 2009 | 6* | 2009 |
Romanian labor movement between workers’ padded coat and European Values: New perspectives on Romanian trade unions A Muntean Globalization, Integration, and Social Development in Central and Eastern Europe, 2003 | 6* | 2003 |
Trade unions and labour relations in post-communist Romania A Muntean Thèse de doctorat en sociologie, soutenue à l’École nationale des sciences …, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Patronage and intimidation: the use of the state in elections in contemporary Eastern European elections I Mares, A Muntean, T Petrova Unpublished manuscript, Dept. of Polit. Sci., Columbia Univ, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
Dependence, adaptation and survival: Social dialogue in multinational corporations in Romania A Muntean Are multinational companies good for trade unions? Evidence from six central …, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Atlasul valorilor sociale B Voicu, H Rusu, C Tufiș România la 100, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
The Failure of Public Governance in Romania A Mungiu-Pippidi, S Ionita, A Muntean NISPAcee Conference, April 9-12, Bucharest, Romania, 2003 | 2 | 2003 |
Keep the (social) distance! Turnout and risk perception during health crisis A Stancea, A Muntean Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 (1), 1-12, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
An economic offer they cannot refuse! Economic expectations on incumbent government support in Core and periphery European countries A Stancea, A Muntean American Journal of Economics and Sociology 82 (2), 99-119, 2023 | | 2023 |
Are multinational companies good for trade unions? M Myant, B Bembič, A Sumichrast, M Martišková, P Bors, T Meszmann, ... ETUI: European Trade Union Institute, 2023 | | 2023 |