Các bài viết có thể truy cập công khai - Adegbola Tolulope AdesoganTìm hiểu thêm
Không có ở bất kỳ nơi nào: 4
Antioxidant status, chemical composition and fermentation profile of alfalfa silage ensiled at two dry matter contents with a novel Lactobacillus plantarum strain with high …
YX Zhang, WC Ke, D Vyas, AT Adesogan, M Franco, FH Li, J Bai, XS Guo
Animal Feed Science and Technology 272, 114751, 2021
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An in vitro model to study interactions between Escherichia coli and lactic acid bacterial inoculants for silage in rumen fluid
ZG Weinberg, Y Chen, V Volchinski, S Sela, IM Ogunade, A Adesogan
Letters in applied microbiology 63 (1), 60-65, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Agriculture
Innovation platforms in practice: a conceptual framework
E Odera, S Galindo, S Hendrickx, A Adesogan, M Eilitta, BA Pfluger
Development in Practice 35 (1), 152-166, 2025
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Estimating net energy requirements of male Djallonke sheep
O Oualyou, IB Gnanda, N Zampaligre, M Kere, K Traore, GLM Yoda, ...
Animal Production Science 64 (15), 2024
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Có tại một số nơi: 37
Animal source foods: sustainability problem or malnutrition and sustainability solution? Perspective matters
AT Adesogan, AH Havelaar, SL McKune, M Eilittä, GE Dahl
Global Food Security 25, 100325, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Agency for International Development
Improving adoption of technologies and interventions for increasing supply of quality livestock feed in low-and middle-income countries
M Balehegn, A Duncan, A Tolera, AA Ayantunde, S Issa, M Karimou, ...
Global food security 26, 100372, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US Agency for International Development
Sustainable livestock systems to improve human health, nutrition, and economic status
P Varijakshapanicker, S Mckune, L Miller, S Hendrickx, M Balehegn, ...
Animal Frontiers 9 (4), 39-50, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Agency for International Development
Chitosan microparticles exert broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against antibiotic-resistant micro-organisms without increasing resistance
Z Ma, D Kim, AT Adesogan, S Ko, K Galvao, KC Jeong
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (17), 10700-10709, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Agriculture
MILK Symposium Introduction: Dairy production in developing countries
AT Adesogan, GE Dahl
Journal of dairy science 103 (11), 9677-9680, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Agency for International Development
Animal-sourced foods for improved cognitive development
M Balehegn, Z Mekuriaw, L Miller, S Mckune, AT Adesogan
Animal Frontiers 9 (4), 50-57, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Agency for International Development
Characterization and identification of ferulic acid esterase‐producing Lactobacillus species isolated from Elymus nutans silage and their application in ensiled alfalfa
ZT Ding, DM Xu, J Bai, FH Li, AT Adesogan, P Zhang, XJ Yuan, XS Guo
Journal of Applied Microbiology 127 (4), 985-995, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Ethiopia’s livestock systems: Overview and areas of inquiry
Z Mekuriaw, L Harris-Coble
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems: Gainesville, FL, USA, 2021
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US Agency for International Development …
MILK Symposium review: Improving control of mastitis in dairy animals in Nepal
K Sah, P Karki, RD Shrestha, A Sigdel, AT Adesogan, GE Dahl
Journal of Dairy Science 103 (11), 9740-9747, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Agency for International Development
Aflatoxin M1 in milk does not contribute substantially to global liver cancer incidence
NS Turna, A Havelaar, A Adesogan, F Wu
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 115 (6), 1473-1480, 2022
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Agency for International Development
Fodder development in sub‐Saharan Africa: An introduction
KJ Boote, AT Adesogan, M Balehegn, A Duncan, JP Muir, JCB Dubeux Jr, ...
Agronomy Journal 114 (1), 1-7, 2022
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US Agency for International Development
Effects of adding pre-fermented fluid prepared from red clover or lucerne on fermentation quality and in vitro digestibility of red clover and lucerne silages
L Sun, Y Jiang, Q Ling, N Na, H Xu, D Vyas, AT Adesogan, Y Xue
Agriculture 11 (5), 454, 2021
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Effects of Class IIa Bacteriocin-Producing Lactobacillus Species on Fermentation Quality and Aerobic Stability of Alfalfa Silage
F Li, Z Ding, AT Adesogan, W Ke, Y Jiang, J Bai, S Mudassar, Y Zhang, ...
Animals 10 (9), 1575, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Biomarker of Aflatoxin Ingestion: 1H NMR-Based Plasma Metabolomics of Dairy Cows Fed Aflatoxin B1 with or without Sequestering Agents
I Ogunade, Y Jiang, J Adeyemi, A Oliveira, D Vyas, A Adesogan
Toxins 10 (12), 545, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Agriculture
Gender and livestock feed research in developing countries: A review
L Harris‐Coble, M Balehegn, AT Adesogan, K Colverson
Agronomy Journal 114 (1), 259-276, 2022
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US Agency for International Development
Fodder biomass, nutritive value, and grain yield of dual‐purpose improved cereal crops in Burkina Faso
N Zampaligré, G Yoda, J Delma, A Sanfo, M Balehegn, E Rios, ...
Agronomy Journal 114 (1), 115-125, 2022
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US Agency for International Development
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