The concurrent validity of the N-back task as a working memory measure SM Jaeggi, M Buschkuehl, WJ Perrig, B Meier Memory 18 (4), 394-412, 2010 | 1275 | 2010 |
Stress effects on working memory, explicit memory, and implicit memory for neutral and emotional stimuli in healthy men M Luethi, B Meier, C Sandi Frontiers in Behavioral neuroscience 2, 2008 | 499 | 2008 |
Enhanced memory ability: insights from synaesthesia N Rothen, B Meier, J Ward Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 36 (8), 1952-1963, 2012 | 180 | 2012 |
How important is importance for prospective memory? A review S Walter, B Meier Frontiers in Psychology: Cognitive Science, 2014 | 172 | 2014 |
The rise and decline of prospective memory performance across the lifespan TD Zimmermann, B Meier Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (12), 2040-2046, 2006 | 170 | 2006 |
Dimensional structure of the Yale–Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) S Moritz, B Meier, M Kloss, D Jacobsen, C Wein, S Fricke, I Hand Psychiatry Research 109 (2), 193-199, 2002 | 151 | 2002 |
Transfer appropriate processing for prospective memory tests B Meier, P Graf Applied cognitive psychology 14 (7), S11-S27, 2000 | 131 | 2000 |
The effect of implementation intentions on prospective memory performance across the lifespan TD Zimmermann, B Meier Applied Cognitive Psychology 24 (5), 645-658, 2010 | 127 | 2010 |
Higher prevalence of synaesthesia in art students N Rothen, B Meier Perception 39 (5), 718, 2010 | 120 | 2010 |
Grapheme–colour synaesthesia yields an ordinary rather than extraordinary memory advantage: Evidence from a group study N Rothen, B Meier Memory 18 (3), 258-264, 2010 | 112 | 2010 |
Training grapheme-colour associations produces a synaesthetic Stroop effect, but not a conditioned synaesthetic response B Meier, N Rothen Neuropsychologia 47 (4), 1208-1211, 2009 | 109 | 2009 |
Do synesthetes have a general advantage in visual search and episodic memory? A case for group studies N Rothen, B Meier PLoS One 4 (4), e5037, 2009 | 108 | 2009 |
Retrieval experience in prospective memory: Strategic monitoring and spontaneous retrieval B Meier, TD Zimmermann, WJ Perrig Memory 14 (7), 872-889, 2006 | 104 | 2006 |
Development and longitudinal relationships between children’s executive functions, prospective memory, and metacognition MA Spiess, B Meier, CM Roebers Cognitive Development 38, 99-113, 2016 | 101 | 2016 |
Sex differences in semantic processing: event-related brain potentials distinguish between lower and higher order semantic analysis during word reading M Wirth, H Horn, T Koenig, M Stein, A Federspiel, B Meier, CM Michel, ... Cerebral Cortex 17 (9), 1987-1997, 2007 | 101 | 2007 |
Bivalency is costly: Bivalent stimuli elicit cautious responding. TS Woodward, B Meier, C Tipper, P Graf Experimental Psychology 50 (4), 233, 2003 | 91 | 2003 |
Low reliability of perceptual priming: Consequences for the interpretation of functional dissociations between explicit and implicit memory B Meier, WJ Perrig The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section A 53 (1), 211-233, 2000 | 90* | 2000 |
Loads and loads and loads: the influence of prospective load, retrospective load, and ongoing task load in prospective memory B Meier, TD Zimmermann Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 322, 2015 | 86 | 2015 |
Personality and memory in old age B Meier, P Perrig-Chiello, W Perrig Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 9 (2), 135-144, 2002 | 86 | 2002 |
Offline consolidation in implicit sequence learning B Meier, J Cock Cortex 57, 156-166, 2014 | 82 | 2014 |