Developments in optics and performance at BL13-XALOC, the macromolecular crystallography beamline at the ALBA synchrotron J Juanhuix, F Gil-Ortiz, G Cuní, C Colldelram, J Nicolás, J Lidón, E Boter, ... Synchrotron Radiation 21 (4), 679-689, 2014 | 218 | 2014 |
Masfit: Multi-agent system for fish trading G Cuni, M Esteva, P Garcia, E Puertas, C Sierra, T Solchaga ECAI 16, 710, 2004 | 64 | 2004 |
How to talk about reputation using a common ontology: From definition to implementation I Pinyol, J Sabater-Mir, G Cuní Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Trust in Agent Societies. Hawaii, USA …, 2007 | 58 | 2007 |
MXCuBE2: the dawn of MXCuBE Collaboration M Oscarsson, A Beteva, D Flot, E Gordon, M Guijarro, G Leonard, ... Synchrotron Radiation 26 (2), 393-405, 2019 | 56 | 2019 |
SARDANA: The software for building SCADAS in Scientific Environments T Coutinho, G Cuní, D Fernández-Carreiras, J Klora, C Pascual-Izarra, ... Proceedings of ICALEPCS2011, Grenoble, WEAAUST01, 607-609, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |
Engineering open multi-agent systems as electronic institutions M Esteva, D de la Cruz, B Rosell, JL Arcos, JA Rodríguez-Aguilar, G Cuní AAAI 2004, 1010-1011, 2004 | 16 | 2004 |
X-ray facility for the characterization of the Athena mirror modules at the ALBA synchrotron D Heinis, A Carballedo, C Colldelram, G Cuní, NV Vidal, Ó Matilla, ... International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2020 11852, 867-877, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
IcePAP: an advanced motor controller for scientific applications in large user facilities N Janvier, JM Clement, P Fajardo, G Cuni TUPPC081, ICALEPCS2013, San Francisco 2016, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
The design of the alba control system. a cost-effective distributed hardware and software architecture D Fernández-Carreiras, D Beltra'n, T Coutinho, G Cuní, J Klora, O Matilla, ... Proceedings of ICALEPCS2011, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
Effortless creation of control & data acquisition graphical user interfaces with taurus C Pascual-Izarra, G Cunı, C Falcón-Torres, D Fernández-Carreiras, ... THHC3O03, ICALEPCS2015, Melbourne, Australia, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Towards hybrid experiments on reputation mechanisms: Bdi agents and humans in electronic institutions J Sabater-Mir, I Pinyol, D Villatoro, G Cuní Proc. of CAEPIA 2, 299-308, 2007 | 9 | 2007 |
Em# electrometer comes to light J Avila-Abellan, M Broseta, G Cuni, O Matilla, M Rodriguez, A Ruz, ... Proceedings of the 16th International conference on Accelerator and Large …, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Unifying all TANGO control services in a customizable graphical user interface S Rubio-Manrique, G Cuní, D Fernández-Carreiras WEPGF148, ICALEPCS2015, Melbourne, Australia, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Commissioning of the ALBA fast orbit feedback system A Olmos, J Moldes, R Petrocelli, Z Martí, D Yepez, S Blanch, X Serra, ... Proc. IBIC’14, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
MINERVA installation status: an x-ray facility for the characterization of the ATHENA mirror modules at the ALBA synchrotron D Heinis, A Carballedo, C Colldelram, G Cuni, NV Vidal, A Sánchez, ... International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2022 12777, 850-860, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
ALBA, a Tango based control system in Python D Fernandez-Carreiras, F Becheri, S Blanch, T Coutinho, G Cuní, J Klora, ... THP016, ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan, 2009 | 5 | 2009 |
Pushing the Limits of Tango Archiving System using PostgreSQL and Time Series Databases G Cuni, S Rubio-Manrique, C del Vallès, SGA Fatkin, AI Senchenko, ... | 4 | 2019 |
PANIC, a suite for visualization, logging and notification of incidents S Rubio-Manrique, F Becheri, G Cuní, D Fernandez-Carreiras, ... FCO206, PCaPAC2014, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
e-Institutions oriented to the use of Reputation J Sabater-Mir, I Pinyol, D Villatoro, G Cuni, C Sierra, JA Rodriguez-Aguilar, ... Sixth Framework Programme Priority 7, 2007 | 4 | 2007 |
Taurus big & small: from particle accelerators to desktop labs C Pascual-Izarra, G Cuní, C Falcon-Torres, D Fernández-Carreiras, ... Proc. 16th Int. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control …, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |