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Dian Ratih Laksmitawati
Dian Ratih Laksmitawati
University of Pancasila, Universitas Pancasila, Faculty of Pharmacy
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Antioxidant, anticancer, and apoptosis-inducing effects of Piper extracts in HeLa cells.
W Widowati, L Wijaya, TL Wargasetia, I Bachtiar, Y Yellianty, ...
Journal of Experimental & Integrative Medicine 3 (3), 2013
Growth factors profile in conditioned medium human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (CM-hATMSCs)
R Noverina, W Widowati, W Ayuningtyas, D Kurniawan, E Afifah, ...
Clinical Nutrition Experimental 24, 34-44, 2019
Iron status and oxidative stress in β‐thalassemia patients in Jakarta
DR Laksmitawati, S Handayani, SK Udyaningsih‐Freisleben, V Kurniati, ...
Biofactors 19 (1‐2), 53-62, 2003
Anti-inflammatory effects of Anredera cordifolia and Piper crocatum extracts on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophage cell line
DR Laksmitawati, A Widyastuti, N Karami, E Afifah, DD Rihibiha, H Nufus, ...
Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology 12 (1), 35-40, 2017
Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Gandarusa (Gendarussa vulgaris Nees) and Soursoup (Annona muricata L) Extracts in LPS Stimulated-Macrophage Cell (RAW264.7)
DR Laksmitawati, AP Prasanti, N Larasinta, GA Syauta, R Hilda, ...
Journal of Natural Remedies, 73-81, 2016
Conditioned medium from normoxia (WJMSCs-norCM) and hypoxia-treated WJMSCs (WJMSCs-hypoCM) in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation
W Widowati, L Wijaya, H Murti, H Widyastuti, D Agustina, DR Laksmitawati, ...
Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine 7 (1), 8-17, 2015
In vitro assesment of anti-inflammatory activities of coumarin and Indonesian cassia extract in RAW264. 7 murine macrophage cell line
NMD Sandhiutami, M Moordiani, DR Laksmitawati, N Fauziah, ...
Iranian journal of basic medical sciences 20 (1), 99, 2017
Effect of interleukins (IL-2, IL-15, IL-18) on receptors activation and cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells in breast cancer cell
W Widowati, DK Jasaputra, SB Sumitro, MA Widodo, T Mozef, R Rizal, ...
African health sciences 20 (2), 822-832, 2020
Green tea extract protects endothelial progenitor cells from oxidative insult through reduction of intracellular reactive oxygen species activity
W Widowati, RM Widyanto, W Husin, H Ratnawati, DR Laksmitawati, ...
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 17 (9), 702, 2014
Extract of Curcuma longa L. and (-)-Epigallo Catechin-3-Gallate enhanced proliferation of adipose tissue–derived mesenchymal stem cells (AD-MSCs) and differentiation of AD-MSCs …
W Widowati, CT Sardjono, L Wijaya, DR Laksmitawati, F Sandra
J US China Med Sci 9 (1), 22-9, 2012
In-vitro antioxidant, in-vivo anti-inflammatory, and acute toxicity study of Indonesian propolis capsule from Tetragonula sapiens
S Farida, DK Pratami, M Sahlan, DR Laksmitawati, E Rohmatin, ...
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 29 (4), 2489-2500, 2022
Proliferation, characterization and differentiation potency of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs) cultured in fresh frozen and non-fresh frozen plasma
W Widowati, R Noverina, W Ayuningtyas, D Kurniawan, HSW Kusuma, ...
International journal of molecular and cellular medicine 8 (4), 283, 2019
WITHDRAWN: interleukins and VEGF secretome of human Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells-conditioned medium (hWJMSCs-CM) in different passages and oxygen tensions
W Widowati, H Widyastuti, H Murti, DR Laksmitawati, M Maesaroh, ...
Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine, 2016
Mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L.) as protective agent in glucose-induced mesangial cell as in vitro model of diabetic glomerulosclerosis
W Widowati, DR Laksmitawati, TL Wargasetia, E Afifah, A Amalia, Y Arinta, ...
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 21 (9), 972, 2018
Free radicals scavenging activities of spices and curcumin
W Widowati, CT Sardjono, L Wijaya, DR Laksmitawati, L Darsono
Proceedings of the Second International Syposium on Temulawak and the 40th …, 2011
skrining fitokimia dan penetapan kadar flavonoid total ekstrak buah okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
PPBC Panca, DR Laksmitawati, D Rahmat
Jurnal Kefarmasian Akfarindo, 80-87, 2022
Evaluasi penggunaan antibiotika pada pasien pneumonia komunitas di instalasi rawat inap RSPAD Gatot Subroto
I Hardiana, DR Laksmitawati, HU Ramadaniati
Majalah Farmasi Dan Farmakologi 25 (1), 1-6, 2021
Optimasi Konsentrasi Ekstrak dan Bahan Pengikat Polivinil Pirolidon pada Granul Ekstrak Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav) sebagai Antihiperurisemia
DR Laksmitawati, L Nurhidayati, MF Arifin, B Bahtiar
Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia 15 (2), 216-222, 2017
Effect of β-carotene on cell proliferation and differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells into endothelial progenitor cells
W Widowati, CT Sardjono, L Wijaya, DR Laksmitawati, J Adiwinata, ...
Biotechnology: An Indian Journal 9 (10), 407-412, 2014
The effect of mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium gel on burn wound healing in rat
DR Laksmitawati, SU Noor, Y Sumiyati, A Hartanto, W Widowati, ...
Veterinary world 15 (4), 841, 2022
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