Predicting intraindividual changes in teacher burnout: The role of perceived school environment and motivational factors C Fernet, F Guay, C Senécal, S Austin Teaching and teacher education 28 (4), 514-525, 2012 | 1195 | 2012 |
Predicting career indecision: A self-determination theory perspective. F Guay, C Senécal, L Gauthier, C Fernet Journal of counseling psychology 50 (2), 165, 2003 | 706 | 2003 |
The role of passion for teaching in intrapersonal and interpersonal outcomes. N Carbonneau, RJ Vallerand, C Fernet, F Guay Journal of educational psychology 100 (4), 977, 2008 | 696 | 2008 |
Adjusting to job demands: The role of work self-determination and job control in predicting burnout C Fernet, F Guay, C Senécal Journal of vocational behavior 65 (1), 39-56, 2004 | 595 | 2004 |
Passion: Does one scale fit all? Construct validity of two-factor passion scale and psychometric invariance over different activities and languages. HW Marsh, RJ Vallerand, MAK Lafrenière, P Parker, AJS Morin, ... Psychological assessment 25 (3), 796, 2013 | 544 | 2013 |
How do job characteristics contribute to burnout? Exploring the distinct mediating roles of perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness C Fernet, S Austin, SG Trépanier, M Dussault European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 22 (2), 123-137, 2013 | 543 | 2013 |
The work tasks motivation scale for teachers (WTMST) C Fernet, C Senécal, F Guay, H Marsh, M Dowson Journal of Career assessment 16 (2), 256-279, 2008 | 539 | 2008 |
Transformational leadership and optimal functioning at work: On the mediating role of employees' perceived job characteristics and motivation C Fernet, SG Trépanier, S Austin, M Gagné, J Forest Work & Stress 29 (1), 11-31, 2015 | 472 | 2015 |
The effects of work motivation on employee exhaustion and commitment: An extension of the JD-R model C Fernet, S Austin, RJ Vallerand Work & Stress 26 (3), 213-229, 2012 | 470 | 2012 |
Linking job demands and resources to burnout and work engagement: Does passion underlie these differential relationships? SG Trépanier, C Fernet, S Austin, J Forest, RJ Vallerand Motivation and Emotion 38, 353-366, 2014 | 395 | 2014 |
Workplace bullying and psychological health at work: The mediating role of satisfaction of needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness SG Trépanier, C Fernet, S Austin Work & Stress 27 (2), 123-140, 2013 | 377 | 2013 |
When does quality of relationships with coworkers predict burnout over time? The moderating role of work motivation C Fernet, M Gagné, S Austin Journal of organizational behavior 31 (8), 1163-1180, 2010 | 363 | 2010 |
Fired up with passion: Investigating how job autonomy and passion predict burnout at career start in teachers C Fernet, GL Lavigne, RJ Vallerand, S Austin Work & Stress 28 (3), 270-288, 2014 | 324 | 2014 |
Transformational and abusive leadership practices: impacts on novice nurses, quality of care and intention to leave M Lavoie‐Tremblay, C Fernet, GL Lavigne, S Austin Journal of advanced nursing 72 (3), 582-592, 2016 | 274 | 2016 |
On the psychological and motivational processes linking job characteristics to employee functioning: Insights from self-determination theory SG Trépanier, J Forest, C Fernet, S Austin Work & Stress 29 (3), 286-305, 2015 | 266 | 2015 |
A longitudinal investigation of workplace bullying, basic need satisfaction, and employee functioning. SG Trépanier, C Fernet, S Austin Journal of occupational health psychology 20 (1), 105, 2015 | 259 | 2015 |
The psychological costs of owning and managing an SME: Linking job stressors, occupational loneliness, entrepreneurial orientation, and burnout C Fernet, O Torrès, S Austin, J St-Pierre Burnout Research 3 (2), 45-53, 2016 | 206 | 2016 |
The role of passion for work and need satisfaction in psychological adjustment to retirement N Houlfort, C Fernet, RJ Vallerand, A Laframboise, F Guay, R Koestner Journal of Vocational Behavior 88, 84-94, 2015 | 203 | 2015 |
Committed, inspiring, and healthy teachers: How do school environment and motivational factors facilitate optimal functioning at career start? C Fernet, SG Trépanier, S Austin, J Levesque-Côté Teaching and teacher education 59, 481-491, 2016 | 199 | 2016 |
Social and motivational antecedents of perceptions of transformational leadership: A self-determination theory perspective. SG Trépanier, C Fernet, S Austin Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2012 | 167 | 2012 |