Combined effect of expansive and shrinkage reducing admixtures to control autogenous shrinkage in self-compacting concrete MJ Oliveira, AB Ribeiro, FG Branco Construction and Building Materials 52, 267-275, 2014 | 121 | 2014 |
Mitigation of the negative effects of recycled aggregate water absorption in concrete technology M Eckert, M Oliveira Construction and Building Materials 133, 416-424, 2017 | 109 | 2017 |
Curing effect in the shrinkage of a lower strength self-compacting concrete MJ Oliveira, AB Ribeiro, FG Branco Construction and Building Materials 93, 1206-1215, 2015 | 81 | 2015 |
Shrinkage of self-compacting concrete. A comparative analysis MJ Oliveira, AB Ribeiro, FG Branco Journal of Building Engineering 9, 117-124, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
Heat treatment of aluminum extrusion dies and study of their heating by convection/radiation M Oliveira, A Duarte, P Coelho, J Marafona The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 78, 419-430, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Estudos de Desenvolvimento de Competências Sociais: Socialmente em Acção [Studying the development of social competencies: Socially in Action] AA Candeias, M Rebocho, H Pires, G Franco, H Barahona, M Santo, ... Actas da XIII Conferência Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e …, 2008 | 6 | 2008 |
Implementation of a systematic approach to diabetes in primary care in Bahia, Brazil improves metabolic outcomes: PRODIBA—Programa de Interiorização da Assistência ao Diabetes … RM Chaves‐Fonseca, OS Matos, RA Lordelo, M Abreu, MG Farias, ... Diabetic medicine 26 (3), 286-292, 2009 | 5 | 2009 |
Combining view-based object recognition with template matching for the identification and tracking of fully dynamic targets M Oliveira, V Santos 7th Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions, Festival Nacional de Robótica, 2007 | 5 | 2007 |
Bar-On–Investário de Quociente Emotional (BarOn IQE) Estudos portugueses com crianças dos 7 aos 11 anos e seus pais H Pires, A Candeias, G Franco, M Rebocho, H Barahona, M Charrua, ... AP Noronha, C. Machado, LS Almeida, M. Gonçalves, S. Martins & V. Ramalho …, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
Observatory of Sustainability of the Algarve Region for Tourism ‐Overview and outset FF Miguel José Oliveira, Rui Lança, Elisa Silva 2nd UNWTO World Conference on Smart Destinations, Oviedo, Spain, 2018 | 3* | 2018 |
A Metastização Cervical dos Cancros Cutâneos de Cabeça e Pescoço M Oliveira, J Cabete, C Semedo, M Vilares, C Coelho, DP Vital, ... Journal of the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology 75 (1), 27-35, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Risk of plastic shrinkage cracking in recycled aggregate concrete M Eckert, M Oliveira International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 9 (7), 931-937, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
The relationships between social intelligence, social competence and abstract intelligence–a study of validity with Portuguese gifted and non gifted children AA Candeia, F Leal, H Barahona, M Charrua, AO Matos, G Franco, C Dias, ... International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology 1 (1), 151-157, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |
Avaliação do risco de fissuração por retração plástica em argamassas de revestimento MJPDS Oliveira, L Silva, P Sequeira, JV Gonçalves 3º Simpósio, Argamassas e Soluções Térmicas de Revestimento, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Earth construction in the Algarve—Past and future AM Braga, MJ Oliveira, EMJ Silva, LF Viana INCREaSE: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Engineering and …, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Study of Exploratory Model about the Effects of Cognitive Abilities, Socio Emotional Competences in School Achievement AA Candeias, M Oliveira, C Dias, F Leal | 1 | 2013 |
Betão autocompactável com retracção controlada MJPDS Oliveira | 1 | 2012 |
P1136 Is there a negative impact of permanent pacemaker implantation in long-term outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve implantation? TJ Carvalho Mendonca, L Patricio, M Oliveira, I Rodrigues, G Portugal, ... EP Europace 22 (Supplement_1), euaa162. 286, 2020 | | 2020 |
SPOOLS - SUSTAINABLE POOLS - MAIN DEVELOPMENTS OF THE PROJECT FC Miguel José Oliveira, Rui Lança, Elisa Silva, Alfredo Braga, Armando ... WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 217, WIT Press, 2018 …, 2018 | | 2018 |
Avaliação do risco de fissuração por retração plástica em argamassas de revestimento JG Miguel José Oliveira, Luís Silva, Pedro Sequeira 3º Simpósio - Argamassas e Soluções Térmicas de Revestimento, 11 e 12 out …, 2018 | | 2018 |