Constructability Analysis in the Design Firm D ARDITI, A ELHASSAN, YC TOKLU Journal of Construction Engineering and Management of the American Society …, 2002 | 237 | 2002 |
Application of genetic algorithms to construction scheduling with or without resource constraints YC Toklu Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 29 (3), 421-429, 2002 | 115 | 2002 |
Tranfer function amplitude minimization for structures with tuned mass dampers considering soil-structure interaction G Bekdaş, AE Kayabekir, SM Nigdeli, YC Toklu Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 116, 552-562, 2019 | 99 | 2019 |
Nonlinear analysis of trusses through energy minimization YC Toklu Computers & structures 82 (20-21), 1581-1589, 2004 | 94 | 2004 |
Analysis of trusses by total potential optimization method coupled with harmony search YC Toklu, G Bekdaş, R Temur Structural Engineering and Mechanics 45 (2), 183-199, 2013 | 67 | 2013 |
Lunar soils, simulants and lunar construction materials: An overview YC Toklu, P Akpinar Advances in Space Research 70 (3), 762-779, 2022 | 56 | 2022 |
A novel hybrid harmony search approach for the analysis of plane stress systems via total potential optimization AE Kayabekir, YC Toklu, G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, M Yücel, ZW Geem Applied Sciences 10 (7), 2301, 2020 | 44 | 2020 |
Aggregate blending using genetic algorithms YC Toklu Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 20 (6), 450-460, 2005 | 34 | 2005 |
Civil engineering in the design and construction of a lunar base YC Toklu Space 2000, 822-834, 2000 | 29 | 2000 |
Advanced energy‐based analyses of trusses employing hybrid metaheuristics G Bekdaş, AE Kayabekir, SM Nigdeli, YC Toklu The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 28 (9), e1609, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Analysis of tensegric structures by total potential optimization using metaheuristic algorithms YC Toklu, F Uzun Journal of Aerospace Engineering 29 (5), 04016023, 2016 | 25 | 2016 |
Geometrically nonlinear analysis of trusses using particle swarm optimization R Temür, YS Türkan, YC Toklu Recent advances in swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation, 283-300, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Analysis of cable structures through energy minimization YC Toklu1a, G Bekdaş2b, R Temür Structural Engineering and Mechanics 62 (6), 749-758, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
The influence of zeolite and powdered Bayburt stones on the water transport kinetics and mechanical properties of hydrated lime mortars C Ince, S Derogar, NY Tiryakioğlu, YC Toklu Construction and Building Materials 98, 345-352, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Analysis of plane-stress systems via total potential optimization method considering nonlinear behavior YC Toklu, AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, M Yücel Journal of Structural Engineering 146 (11), 04020249, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Computation of nonunique solutions for trusses undergoing large deflections Y Cengiz Toklu, R Temür, G Bekdaş International Journal of Computational Methods 12 (03), 1550022, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |
Analyzing structures: Total potential optimization using meta-heuristic algorithms (TPO/MA) SÇ Toklu, N Aydin, YC Toklu Proceedings of International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering, 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
Design and construction of a self sustainable lunar colony with in-situ resource utilisation YC Toklu, N Jarvstrat, J Cha, R JardimGoncalves, A SteigerGarcao Proceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference On Concurrent …, 2003 | 18 | 2003 |
Metaheuristics for structural design and analysis YC Toklu, G Bekdas, SM Nigdeli John Wiley & Sons, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Total potential optimization using metaheuristic algorithms for solving nonlinear plane strain systems YC Toklu, G Bekdaş, M Yücel, SM Nigdeli, AE Kayabekir, S Kim, ... Applied Sciences 11 (7), 3220, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |