Current perspectives and the future of domestication studies G Larson, DR Piperno, RG Allaby, MD Purugganan, L Andersson, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (17), 6139-6146, 2014 | 895 | 2014 |
Convergent evolution and parallelism in plant domestication revealed by an expanding archaeological record DQ Fuller, T Denham, M Arroyo-Kalin, L Lucas, CJ Stevens, L Qin, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (17), 6147-6152, 2014 | 460 | 2014 |
The complex origins of domesticated crops in the Fertile Crescent TA Brown, MK Jones, W Powell, RG Allaby Trends in ecology & evolution 24 (2), 103-109, 2009 | 434 | 2009 |
Ancient DNA analysis L Orlando, R Allaby, P Skoglund, C Der Sarkissian, PW Stockhammer, ... Nature reviews methods primers 1 (1), 14, 2021 | 317 | 2021 |
The genetic expectations of a protracted model for the origins of domesticated crops RG Allaby, DQ Fuller, TA Brown Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (37), 13982-13986, 2008 | 313 | 2008 |
Cultivation and domestication had multiple origins: arguments against the core area hypothesis for the origins of agriculture in the Near East DQ Fuller, G Willcox, RG Allaby World Archaeology 43 (4), 628-652, 2011 | 296 | 2011 |
Across the Indian Ocean: the prehistoric movement of plants and animals DQ Fuller, N Boivin, T Hoogervorst, R Allaby Antiquity 85 (328), 544-558, 2011 | 279 | 2011 |
Domestication as innovation: the entanglement of techniques, technology and chance in the domestication of cereal crops DQ Fuller, RG Allaby, C Stevens World archaeology 42 (1), 13-28, 2010 | 277 | 2010 |
Seed dispersal and crop domestication: shattering, germination and seasonality in evolution under cultivation DQ Fuller, R Allaby Annual plant reviews volume 38: fruit development and seed dispersal 38, 238-295, 2009 | 274 | 2009 |
Multiproxy evidence highlights a complex evolutionary legacy of maize in South America L Kistler, SY Maezumi, J Gregorio de Souza, NAS Przelomska, ... Science 362 (6420), 1309-1313, 2018 | 257 | 2018 |
Human dispersal across diverse environments of Asia during the Upper Pleistocene N Boivin, DQ Fuller, R Dennell, R Allaby, MD Petraglia Quaternary International 300, 32-47, 2013 | 242 | 2013 |
Early agricultural pathways: moving outside the ‘core area’hypothesis in Southwest Asia DQ Fuller, G Willcox, RG Allaby Journal of experimental botany 63 (2), 617-633, 2012 | 219 | 2012 |
Evidence of the domestication history of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) from genetic diversity of the sad2 locus RG Allaby, GW Peterson, DA Merriwether, YB Fu Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112, 58-65, 2005 | 204 | 2005 |
A new model for ancient DNA decay based on paleogenomic meta-analysis L Kistler, R Ware, O Smith, M Collins, RG Allaby Nucleic acids research 45 (11), 6310-6320, 2017 | 196 | 2017 |
Evolution of the high molecular weight glutenin loci of the A, B, D, and G genomes of wheat RG Allaby, M Banerjee, TA Brown Genome 42 (2), 296-307, 1999 | 165 | 1999 |
DNA from primitive maize landraces and archaeological remains: implications for the domestication of maize and its expansion into South America FO Freitas, G Bendel, RG Allaby, TA Brown Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (7), 901-908, 2003 | 140 | 2003 |
Sedimentary DNA from a submerged site reveals wheat in the British Isles 8000 years ago O Smith, G Momber, R Bates, P Garwood, S Fitch, M Pallen, V Gaffney, ... Science 347 (6225), 998-1001, 2015 | 137* | 2015 |
Ancient mitochondrial M haplogroups identified in the Southwest Pacific DA Merriwether, JA Hodgson, FR Friedlaender, R Allaby, S Cerchio, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (37), 13034-13039, 2005 | 133 | 2005 |
Storytelling and story testing in domestication P Gerbault, RG Allaby, N Boivin, A Rudzinski, IM Grimaldi, JC Pires, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (17), 6159-6164, 2014 | 129 | 2014 |
A complete ancient RNA genome: identification, reconstruction and evolutionary history of archaeological Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus O Smith, A Clapham, P Rose, Y Liu, J Wang, RG Allaby Scientific reports 4 (1), 4003, 2014 | 122 | 2014 |