Beyond 3-D: The new spectrum of lidar applications for earth and ecological sciences JUH Eitel, B Höfle, LA Vierling, A Abellán, GP Asner, JS Deems, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 186, 372-392, 2016 | 342 | 2016 |
Static calibration and analysis of the Velodyne HDL-64E S2 for high accuracy mobile scanning C Glennie, DD Lichti Remote sensing 2 (6), 1610-1624, 2010 | 275 | 2010 |
Synthesis of transportation applications of mobile LiDAR K Williams, MJ Olsen, GV Roe, C Glennie Remote Sensing 5 (9), 4652-4692, 2013 | 257 | 2013 |
Review of Earth science research using terrestrial laser scanning J Telling, A Lyda, P Hartzell, C Glennie Earth-Science Reviews 169, 35-68, 2017 | 250 | 2017 |
Rigorous 3D error analysis of kinematic scanning LIDAR systems C Glennie Walter de Gruyter 1 (3), 147-157, 2007 | 248 | 2007 |
Geodetic imaging with airborne LiDAR: the Earth's surface revealed CL Glennie, WE Carter, RL Shrestha, WE Dietrich Reports on Progress in Physics 76 (8), 086801, 2013 | 204 | 2013 |
Capability assessment and performance metrics for the Titan multispectral mapping lidar JC Fernandez-Diaz, WE Carter, C Glennie, RL Shrestha, Z Pan, N Ekhtari, ... Remote Sensing 8 (11), 936, 2016 | 178 | 2016 |
Now you see it… now you don’t: Understanding airborne mapping LiDAR collection and data product generation for archaeological research in Mesoamerica JC Fernandez-Diaz, WE Carter, RL Shrestha, CL Glennie Remote Sensing 6 (10), 9951-10001, 2014 | 169 | 2014 |
Guidelines for the use of mobile LIDAR in transportation applications MJ Olsen Transportation Research Board, 2013 | 169 | 2013 |
Airborne lidar change detection: An overview of Earth sciences applications U Okyay, J Telling, CL Glennie, WE Dietrich Earth-Science Reviews 198, 102929, 2019 | 144 | 2019 |
Method and system for aligning a line scan camera with a lidar scanner for real time data fusion in three dimensions K Kusevic, P Mrstik, CL Glennie US Patent App. 12/642,144, 2010 | 140 | 2010 |
Crowdsourced earthquake early warning SE Minson, BA Brooks, CL Glennie, JR Murray, JO Langbein, SE Owen, ... Science advances 1 (3), e1500036, 2015 | 118 | 2015 |
Nearshore bathymetry from fusion of Sentinel-2 and ICESat-2 observations A Albright, C Glennie IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 18 (5), 900-904, 2020 | 113 | 2020 |
Calibration and stability analysis of the VLP-16 laser scanner CL Glennie, A Kusari, A Facchin The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2016 | 108 | 2016 |
A comparison of stable platform and strapdown airborne gravity CL Glennie, KP Schwarz, AM Bruton, R Forsberg, AV Olesen, K Keller Journal of Geodesy 74, 383-389, 2000 | 108 | 2000 |
Differentiation for high-precision GPS velocity and acceleration determination AM Bruton, CL Glennie, KP Schwarz GPS solutions 2, 7-21, 1999 | 108 | 1999 |
High-Resolution Topography along Surface Rupture of the 16 October 1999 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake (Mw 7.1) from Airborne Laser Swath Mapping KW Hudnut, A Borsa, C Glennie, JB Minster Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 92 (4), 1570-1576, 2002 | 107 | 2002 |
Performance assessment of high resolution airborne full waveform LiDAR for shallow river bathymetry Z Pan, C Glennie, P Hartzell, JC Fernandez-Diaz, C Legleiter, ... Remote Sensing 7 (5), 5133-5159, 2015 | 103 | 2015 |
Application of multispectral LiDAR to automated virtual outcrop geology P Hartzell, C Glennie, K Biber, S Khan ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 88, 147-155, 2014 | 97 | 2014 |
Early results of simultaneous terrain and shallow water bathymetry mapping using a single-wavelength airborne LiDAR sensor JC Fernandez-Diaz, CL Glennie, WE Carter, RL Shrestha, MP Sartori, ... IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2013 | 87 | 2013 |