Does the autistic child have a “theory of mind”? S Baron-Cohen, AM Leslie, U Frith Cognition 21 (1), 37-46, 1985 | 14225 | 1985 |
Autism: Explaining the enigma U Frith Blackwell publishing, 2003 | 7465 | 2003 |
Beneath the surface of developmental dyslexia U Frith Surface dyslexia, 301-330, 2017 | 4362 | 2017 |
The weak coherence account: detail-focused cognitive style in autism spectrum disorders F Happé, U Frith Journal of autism and developmental disorders 36, 5-25, 2006 | 4215 | 2006 |
Development and neurophysiology of mentalizing U Frith, CD Frith Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 2003 | 3398 | 2003 |
Interacting minds--a biological basis CD Frith, U Frith Science 286 (5445), 1692-1695, 1999 | 2623 | 1999 |
Autism: Beyond “theory of mind” U Frith, F Happé Cognition 50 (1-3), 115-132, 1994 | 2597 | 1994 |
Theories of developmental dyslexia: insights from a multiple case study of dyslexic adults F Ramus, S Rosen, SC Dakin, BL Day, JM Castellote, S White, U Frith Brain 126 (4), 841-865, 2003 | 2392 | 2003 |
The neural basis of mentalizing CD Frith, U Frith Neuron 50 (4), 531-534, 2006 | 2383 | 2006 |
'Autistic psychopathy'in childhood. H Asperger, UT Frith Cambridge University Press, 1991 | 2186 | 1991 |
Other minds in the brain: a functional imaging study of “theory of mind” in story comprehension PC Fletcher, F Happe, U Frith, SC Baker, RJ Dolan, RSJ Frackowiak, ... Cognition 57 (2), 109-128, 1995 | 2175 | 1995 |
Autism, Asperger syndrome and brain mechanisms for the attribution of mental states to animated shapes F Castelli, C Frith, F Happé, U Frith Brain 125 (8), 1839-1849, 2002 | 2039 | 2002 |
Reading the mind in cartoons and stories: an fMRI study of ‘theory of mind’in verbal and nonverbal tasks HL Gallagher, F Happé, N Brunswick, PC Fletcher, U Frith, CD Frith Neuropsychologia 38 (1), 11-21, 2000 | 2025 | 2000 |
Movement and mind: a functional imaging study of perception and interpretation of complex intentional movement patterns F Castelli, F Happé, U Frith, C Frith Social neuroscience, 155-169, 2013 | 1784 | 2013 |
Dyslexia: Cultural diversity and biological unity E Paulesu, JF Démonet, F Fazio, E McCrory, V Chanoine, N Brunswick, ... Science 291 (5511), 2165-2167, 2001 | 1775 | 2001 |
Autism and Asperger syndrome U Frith, M Mira Focus on Autistic Behavior 7 (3), 13-15, 1992 | 1772 | 1992 |
Why do autistic individuals show superior performance on the block design task? A Shah, U Frith Journal of child Psychology and Psychiatry 34 (8), 1351-1364, 1993 | 1467 | 1993 |
An islet of ability in autistic children: A research note A Shah, U Frith Journal of child Psychology and Psychiatry 24 (4), 613-620, 1983 | 1337 | 1983 |
Mechanical, behavioural and intentional understanding of picture stories in autistic children S Baron‐Cohen, AM Leslie, U Frith British Journal of developmental psychology 4 (2), 113-125, 1986 | 1322 | 1986 |
Exploration of the autistic child's theory of mind: Knowledge, belief, and communication J Perner, U Frith, AM Leslie, SR Leekam Child development, 689-700, 1989 | 1228 | 1989 |