Các bài viết có thể truy cập công khai - Adrian BasarabTìm hiểu thêm
Không có ở bất kỳ nơi nào: 3
Reducing the Degrees of Freedom for Simultaneous Estimation of Ultrasonic Attenuation and Backscatter Coefficients: Application to Liver Steatosis Detection
J Timaná, H Chahuara, L Basavarajappa, A Basarab, K Hoyt, R Lavarello
2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-4, 2023
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health, Cancer Prevention Research Institute of …
Time-domain Beamforming for Room Acoustics Analysis based on Reverberant Field Estimation
T Gelvez-Barrera, Q Leclere, B Nicolas, J Antoni, A Basarab
ICASSP 2025-2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2025
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Unsupervised Physics-Inspired Deep Learning Network with Application to Dental Computed Tomography Image Restoration
S Dutta, B Georgeot, J Michetti, A Basarab, D Kouamé
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1-5, 2024
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Bài viết đã ngừng công khai: 2
Simultaneous imaging of ultrasonic backscatter and attenuation coefficients for liver steatosis detection in a murine animal model
J Timaná, H Chahuara, L Basavarajappa, A Basarab, K Hoyt, R Lavarello
2022 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1-4, 2022
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health, Cancer Prevention Research Institute of …
Tác giả chịu trách nhiệm: R Lavarello
Feasibility of attenuation coefficient and envelope signal-to-noise ratio estimation for tissue characterization of liver steatosis
J Timaná, H Chahuara, L Basavaraiappa, A Basarab, K Hoyt, R Lavarello
2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-4, 2022
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health, Cancer Prevention Research Institute of …
Tác giả chịu trách nhiệm: R Lavarello
Có tại một số nơi: 31
Smart home-based prediction of multidomain symptoms related to Alzheimer's disease
A Alberdi, A Weakley, M Schmitter-Edgecombe, DJ Cook, A Aztiria, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 22 (6), 1720-1731, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health
Deep learning-based super-resolution applied to dental computed tomography
J Hatvani, A Horváth, J Michetti, A Basarab, D Kouamé, M Gyöngy
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 3 (2), 120-128, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, National Office for Research, Development and …
Myocardial motion estimation from medical images using the monogenic signal
M Alessandrini, A Basarab, H Liebgott, O Bernard
IEEE transactions on image processing 22 (3), 1084-1095, 2012
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
Phase-based block matching applied to motion estimation with unconventional beamforming strategies
A Basarab, P Gueth, H Liebgott, P Delachartre
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 56 …, 2009
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
Line artefact quantification in lung ultrasound images of covid-19 patients via non-convex regularisation
O Karakus, N Anantrasirichai, A Aguersif, S Silva, A Basarab, A Achim
CoRR, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
A new technique for the estimation of cardiac motion in echocardiography based on transverse oscillations: A preliminary evaluation in silico and a feasibility demonstration in …
M Alessandrini, A Basarab, L Boussel, X Guo, A Serusclat, D Friboulet, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 33 (5), 1148-1162, 2014
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
Motion compensated dynamic MRI reconstruction with local affine optical flow estimation
N Zhao, D O’Connor, A Basarab, D Ruan, K Sheng
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 66 (11), 3050-3059, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health
DIVA: Deep unfolded network from quantum interactive patches for image restoration
S Dutta, A Basarab, B Georgeot, D Kouamé
Pattern Recognition 155, 110676, 2024
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Joint blind deconvolution and robust principal component analysis for blood flow estimation in medical ultrasound imaging
DH Pham, A Basarab, I Zemmoura, JP Remenieras, D Kouamé
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 68 …, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
Inverse problem of ultrasound beamforming with denoising-based regularized solutions
S Goudarzi, A Basarab, H Rivaz
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 69 …, 2022
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Compressive imaging using approximate message passing and a Cauchy prior in the wavelet domain
PR Hill, JH Kim, A Basarab, D Kouamé, DR Bull, A Achim
2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2514-2518, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Deep ultrasound denoising using diffusion probabilistic models
H Asgariandehkordi, S Goudarzi, A Basarab, H Rivaz
2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-4, 2023
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
An axially variant kernel imaging model applied to ultrasound image reconstruction
MI Florea, A Basarab, D Kouamé, SA Vorobyov
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 25 (7), 961-965, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Academy of Finland
Quantum algorithm for signal denoising
S Dutta, A Basarab, D Kouamé, B Georgeot
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 31, 156-160, 2023
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health
Ultrasound image reconstruction from compressed measurements using approximate message passing
JH Kim, A Basarab, PR Hill, DR Bull, D Kouamé, A Achim
2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 557-561, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Wellcome Trust
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