A survey of software aging and rejuvenation studies D Cotroneo, R Natella, R Pietrantuono, S Russo ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC) 10 (1), 1-34, 2014 | 241 | 2014 |
Software aging analysis of the linux operating system D Cotroneo, R Natella, R Pietrantuono, S Russo 2010 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2010 | 175 | 2010 |
Predicting aging-related bugs using software complexity metrics D Cotroneo, R Natella, R Pietrantuono Performance Evaluation 70 (3), 163-178, 2013 | 117 | 2013 |
Software reliability and testing time allocation: An architecture-based approach R Pietrantuono, S Russo, KS Trivedi IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 36 (3), 323-337, 2010 | 114 | 2010 |
Fault triggers in open-source software: An experience report D Cotroneo, M Grottke, R Natella, R Pietrantuono, KS Trivedi 2013 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2013 | 111 | 2013 |
Learning-to-Rank vs Ranking-to-Learn: Strategies for Regression Testing in Continuous Integration A Bertolino, A Guerriero, B Miranda, R Pietrantuono, S Russo IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2020 | 107 | 2020 |
Software aging and rejuvenation: Where we are and where we are going D Cotroneo, R Natella, R Pietrantuono, S Russo 2011 IEEE Third International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation, 1-6, 2011 | 86 | 2011 |
Software aging analysis of the android mobile os D Cotroneo, F Fucci, AK Iannillo, R Natella, R Pietrantuono 2016 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2016 | 67 | 2016 |
How do bugs surface? A comprehensive study on the characteristics of software bugs manifestation D Cotroneo, R Pietrantuono, S Russo, K Trivedi Journal of Systems and Software 113, 27-43, 2016 | 62 | 2016 |
Workload Characterization for Software Aging Analysis A Bovenzi, D Cotroneo, R Pietrantuono, S Russo Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), 2011 IEEE 22nd International …, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
Is software aging related to software metrics? D Cotroneo, R Natella, R Pietrantuono 2010 IEEE Second International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation, 1-6, 2010 | 58 | 2010 |
Federated learning for IoT devices: Enhancing TinyML with on-board training M Ficco, A Guerriero, E Milite, F Palmieri, R Pietrantuono, S Russo Information Fusion 104, 102189, 2024 | 54 | 2024 |
Analysis and prediction of mandelbugs in an industrial software system G Carrozza, D Cotroneo, R Natella, R Pietrantuono, S Russo 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2013 | 46 | 2013 |
Testing techniques selection based on ODC fault types and software metrics D Cotroneo, R Pietrantuono, S Russo Journal of Systems and Software 86 (6), 1613-1637, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
A measurement‐based ageing analysis of the JVM D Cotroneo, S Orlando, R Pietrantuono, S Russo Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 23 (3), 199-239, 2013 | 43 | 2013 |
A survey of field-based testing techniques A Bertolino, P Braione, GD Angelis, L Gazzola, F Kifetew, L Mariani, ... ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (5), 1-39, 2021 | 42 | 2021 |
Aging-related performance anomalies in the apache storm stream processing system M Ficco, R Pietrantuono, S Russo Future Generation Computer Systems 86, 975-994, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Combining operational and debug testing for improving reliability D Cotroneo, R Pietrantuono, S Russo IEEE Transactions on Reliability 62 (2), 408-423, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
Reproducibility of environment-dependent software failures: An experience report DG Cavezza, R Pietrantuono, J Alonso, S Russo, KS Trivedi 2014 IEEE 25th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2014 | 38 | 2014 |
RELAI testing: a technique to assess and improve software reliability D Cotroneo, R Pietrantuono, S Russo IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 42 (5), 452-475, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |