Ethical judgments of sexual appeals in print advertising MS LaTour, TL Henthorne Journal of advertising 23 (3), 81-90, 1994 | 441 | 1994 |
Fear appeals in print advertising: An analysis of arousal and ad response TL Henthorne, MS LaTour, R Nataraajan Journal of advertising 22 (2), 59-69, 1993 | 275 | 1993 |
An analysis of expenditures by cruise ship passengers in Jamaica TL Henthorne Journal of Travel Research 38 (3), 246-250, 2000 | 272 | 2000 |
Destination image and brand personality of Jamaica: A model of tourist behavior S Baloglu, TL Henthorne, S Sahin Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 31 (8), 1057-1070, 2014 | 249 | 2014 |
Female nudity: Attitudes towards the ad and the brand, and implications for advertising strategy MS LaTour, TL Henthorne Journal of Consumer Marketing 10 (3), 25-32, 1993 | 171 | 1993 |
Perception of marital roles in purchase decision processes: a cross-cultural study JB Ford, MS LaTour, TL Henthorne Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 23 (2), 120-131, 1995 | 126 | 1995 |
How organizational buyers reduce risk TL Henthorne, MS LaTour, AJ Williams Industrial Marketing Management 22 (1), 41-48, 1993 | 125 | 1993 |
Artificial intelligence and robotics technology in the hospitality industry: Current applications and future trends L Yang, TL Henthorne, B George Digital transformation in business and society: Theory and cases, 211-228, 2020 | 119 | 2020 |
Progress on determining the vapor signature of a buried land mine V George, TF Jenkins, DC Leggett, JH Cragin, JM Phelan, JC Oxley, ... Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets IV …, 1999 | 114* | 1999 |
The competitiveness of the Cuban tourism industry in the twenty-first century: A strategic re-evaluation MM Miller, TL Henthorne, BP George Journal of Travel Research 46 (3), 268-278, 2008 | 99 | 2008 |
Publication productivity in the three leading US advertising journals: 1989 through 1996 TL Henthorne, MS LaTour, T Loraas Journal of Advertising 27 (2), 53-63, 1998 | 96 | 1998 |
A model to explore the ethics of erotic stimuli in print advertising TL Henthorne, MS LaTour Journal of Business Ethics 14, 561-569, 1995 | 88 | 1995 |
The cross‐functional imperative: the case of marketing and purchasing AJ Williams, LC Giunipero, TL Henthorne International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management 30 (2), 28-33, 1994 | 87 | 1994 |
Building and positioning successful study-abroad programs: A “hands-on” approach TL Henthorne, MM Miller, TW Hudson Journal of Teaching in International Business 12 (4), 49-62, 2001 | 82 | 2001 |
In search of competitive advantage in Caribbean tourism websites: Revisiting the unique selling proposition MM Miller, TL Henthorne Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 21 (2-3), 49-62, 2007 | 81 | 2007 |
Risk perception and buying behavior: An examination of some relationships in the context of cruise tourism in Jamaica TL Henthorne, BP George, WC Smith International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 14 (1), 66-86, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
Initial impressions in the organizational buyer-seller dyad: Sales management implications TL Henthorne, MS LaTour, AJ Williams Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 12 (3), 57-65, 1992 | 72 | 1992 |
Identifying the gaps in ethical perceptions between managers and salespersons: A multidimensional approach TL Henthorne, DP Robin, RE Reidenbach Journal of Business Ethics 11, 849-856, 1992 | 55 | 1992 |
ASQual: measuring tourist perceived service quality in an airport setting BP George, TL Henthorne, TR Panko International Journal of Business Excellence 6 (5), 526-536, 2013 | 51 | 2013 |
Nudity and sexual appeals: Understanding the arousal process and advertising response MS LaTour, TL Henthorne Sex in advertising, 91-106, 2014 | 50 | 2014 |