Prevalence, interference with life and severity of 12 month DSM-IV disorders in Te Rau Hinengaro: the New Zealand Mental Health Survey JE Wells, MA Oakley Browne, KM Scott, MA McGee, J Baxter, J Kokaua Aust NZJ Psychiatry 40 (10), 845-854, 2006 | 263* | 2006 |
Drinking and alcohol‐related harm among New Zealand university students: Findings from a national web‐based survey K Kypri, MJ Paschall, J Langley, J Baxter, M Cashell‐Smith, B Bourdeau Alcoholism: Clinical and experimental research 33 (2), 307-314, 2009 | 247 | 2009 |
Te Rau Hinengaro: the New Zealand mental health survey: overview of methods and findings JE Wells, MA Oakley Browne, KM Scott, MA McGee, J Baxter, J Kokaua, ... Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 40 (10), 835-844, 2006 | 168 | 2006 |
Alcohol outlet density and university student drinking: a national study K Kypri, ML Bell, GC Hay, J Baxter Addiction 103 (7), 1131-1138, 2008 | 160 | 2008 |
Prevalence of mental disorders among Māori in Te Rau Hinengaro: The New Zealand mental health survey J Baxter, T Kani Kingi, R Tapsell, M Durie, MA McGee, ... Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 40 (10), 914-923, 2006 | 158 | 2006 |
Ethnic comparisons of the 12 month prevalence of mental disorders and treatment contact in Te Rau Hinengaro: The New Zealand Mental Health Survey J Baxter, J Kokaua, JE Wells, MA McGee, MA Oakley Browne Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 40 (10), 905-913, 2006 | 138 | 2006 |
What is spirituality? Evidence from a New Zealand hospice study R Egan, R MacLeod, C Jaye, R McGee, J Baxter, P Herbison Mortality 16 (4), 307-324, 2011 | 133 | 2011 |
Serious health events following involuntary job loss in New Zealand meat processing workers V Keefe, P Reid, C Ormsby, B Robson, G Purdie, J Baxter, ... International Journal of Epidemiology 31 (6), 1155-1161, 2002 | 123 | 2002 |
Posture, flexibility and grip strength in horse riders SJ Hobbs, J Baxter, L Broom, LA Rossell, J Sinclair, HM Clayton Journal of human kinetics 42, 113, 2014 | 108 | 2014 |
Are Maori under-served for cardiac interventions? I Westbrooke, J Baxter, J Hogan New Zealand Medical Journal 114 (1143), 484, 2001 | 94 | 2001 |
Māori mental health needs profile: A review of the evidence JM Baxter Palmerston North, Te Rau Matatini, 2008 | 88* | 2008 |
Barriers to health care for Maori with known diabetes: A literature review and summary of the issues J Baxter Dunedin, Te Roopu Rangahau Hauora a Ngai Tahu, 2002 | 73 | 2002 |
The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study: are its findings consistent with the overall New Zealand population? R Poulton, RJ Hancox, BJ Milne, J Baxter, K Scott, N Wilson New Zealand Medical Journal 119 (1235), 45-55, 2006 | 61 | 2006 |
The role of drinking locations in university student drinking: Findings from a national web-based survey K Kypri, MJ Paschall, JD Langley, J Baxter, B Bourdeau Drug and Alcohol Dependence 111 (1-2), 38-43, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
Substance use disorders in Te Rau Hinengaro: the New Zealand mental health survey MAO Browne, JE Wells, M Durie, J Baxter, R Tapsell, SA Foliaki, J Kokaua, ... Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand, 2006 | 43 | 2006 |
Hapū ora: Wellbeing in the early stages of life HM Barnes, AM Barnes, J Baxter, S Crengle, L Pihama, MM Ratima, ... Whāriki Research Group, SHORE and Whāriki Research Centre, Massey University, 2013 | 42 | 2013 |
Mental–physical comorbidity in an ethnically diverse population K Scott, MA McGee, D Schaaf, J Baxter Social science & medicine 66 (5), 1165-1173, 2008 | 41 | 2008 |
Comorbidity and coincidence in the Christchurch and Dunedin longitudinal studies D Fergusson, R Poulton, J Horwood, B Milne, N Swain-Campbell Report prepared for the New Zealand Ministry of Social Development, and …, 2004 | 41* | 2004 |
Mental health: Psychiatric disorder and suicide J Baxter Hauora: Māori Standards of Health IV. A study of the years 2005, 121-138, 2000 | 38 | 2000 |
Spiritual beliefs, practices, and needs at the end of life: Results from a New Zealand national hospice study R Egan, R MacLeod, C Jaye, R McGee, J Baxter, P Herbison, S Wood Palliative & supportive care 15 (2), 223-230, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |