NO reduction over nanostructure M-Cu/ZSM-5 (M: Cr, Mn, Co and Fe) bimetallic catalysts and optimization of catalyst preparation by RSM PN Panahi, D Salari, A Niaei, SM Mousavi
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 19 (6), 1793-1799, 2013
101 2013 Removal of crystal violet dye by an efficient and low cost adsorbent: Modeling, kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies M Sarabadan, H Bashiri, SM Mousavi
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 36, 1575-1586, 2019
97 2019 Modelling and optimization of Mn/activate carbon nanocatalysts for NO reduction: comparison of RSM and ANN techniques SM Mousavi, A Niaei, D Salari, PN Panahi, M Samandari
Environmental technology 34 (11), 1377-1384, 2013
64 2013 Ultrasound-assistant preparation of Cu-SAPO-34 nanocatalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 PN Panahi, A Niaei, D Salari, SM Mousavi, G Delahay
Journal of Environmental Sciences 35, 135-143, 2015
54 2015 Characterization and activity of alkaline earth metals loaded CeO2–MOx (M= Mn, Fe) mixed oxides in catalytic reduction of NO SM Mousavi, A Niaei, MJI Gómez, D Salari, PN Panahi, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 143 (3), 921-928, 2014
54 2014 Modeling and optimization of V2O5/TiO2 nanocatalysts for NH3-Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx by RSM and ANN techniques H Soleimanzadeh, A Niaei, D Salari, A Tarjomannejad, S Penner, ...
Journal of environmental management 238, 360-367, 2019
49 2019 Adsorption of crystal violet dye by a zeolite-montmorillonite nano-adsorbent: modelling, kinetic and equilibrium studies M Sarabadan, H Bashiri, SM Mousavi
Clay Minerals 54 (4), 357-368, 2019
39 2019 Optimization of Cu/activated carbon catalyst in low temperature selective catalytic reduction of NO process using response surface methodology J Amanpour, D Salari, A Niaei, SM Mousavi, PN Panahi
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 48 (8), 879-886, 2013
39 2013 Catalytic reduction of NO by CO over CeO2-MOx (0.25)(M= Mn, Fe and Cu) mixed oxides—Modeling and optimization of catalyst preparation by hybrid ANN-GA S Bahrami, A Niaei, MJ Illán-Gómez, A Tarjomannejad, SM Mousavi, ...
Journal of environmental chemical engineering 5 (5), 4937-4947, 2017
36 2017 A modelling study and optimization of catalytic reduction of NO over CeO2–MnO x (0.25)–Ba mixed oxide catalyst using design of experiments SM Mousavi, D Salari, A Niaei, PN Panahi, S Shafiei
Environmental technology 35 (5), 581-589, 2014
31 2014 Simulation of methanol synthesis from synthesis gas in fixed bed catalytic reactor using mathematical modeling and neural networks PN Panahi, SM Mousavi, A Niaei, A Farzi, D Salari
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 3, 1-7, 2012
29 2012 Modeling of catalyst composition–activity relationship of supported catalysts in NH3 –NO-SCR process using artificial neural network P Nakhostin Panahi, A Niaei, HH Tseng, D Salari, SM Mousavi
Neural Computing and Applications 26, 1515-1523, 2015
28 2015 Study of M-ZSM-5 nanocatalysts (M: Cu, Mn, Fe, Co…) for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3: Process optimization by Taguchi method PN Panahi, D Salari, A Niaei, SM Mousavi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 23 (10), 1647-1654, 2015
25 2015 Modeling and optimization of NH3-SCR performance of MnOx/γ-alumina nanocatalysts by response surface methodology SM Mousavi, PN Panahi
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 69, 68-77, 2016
16 2016 Effect of the preparation method on activity of Cu-ZSM-5 nanocatalyst for the selective reduction of NO by NH3 P Nakhostin Panahi, D Salari, HH Tseng, A Niaei, SM Mousavi
Environmental technology 38 (15), 1852-1861, 2017
15 2017 Activity of -Al O -based Mn, Cu, and Co oxide nanocatalysts for selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia PN Panahi, G Delahay
Turkish Journal of Chemistry 41 (2), 272-281, 2017
12 2017 Modeling and simulation of styrene monomer reactor: Mathematical and artificial neural network model SM Mousavi, PN Panahi, A Niaei, A Farzi, D Salari
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 3 (3), 1-7, 2012
12 2012 Modelling, kinetics and equilibrium studies of crystal violet adsorption on modified montmorillonite by sodium dodecyl sulfate and hyamine surfactants M Sarabadan, H Bashiri, SM Mousavi
Clay Minerals 56 (1), 16-27, 2021
9 2021 Vanadium oxide nanotubes for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 SM Mousavi
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 24 (7), 914-919, 2016
5 2016 Development and application of multifunctional Fe3 O4 /SiO2 /TiO2 /Cu nanocomposites for sustainable water treatment MP Mazhari, H Khojasteh, N Sharifi, P Aspoukeh, SM Mousavi
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 110 (1), 156-168, 2024
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