Sustaining Asia’s groundwater boom: an overview of issues and evidence T Shah, AD Roy, AS Qureshi, J Wang Natural Resources Forum 27 (2), 130-141, 2003 | 507 | 2003 |
Challenges and prospects of sustainable groundwater management in the Indus Basin, Pakistan AS Qureshi, PG McCornick, A Sarwar, BR Sharma Water resources management 24 (8), 1551-1569, 2010 | 406 | 2010 |
Critical knowledge gaps and research priorities in global soil salinity JW Hopmans, AS Qureshi, I Kisekka, R Munns, SR Grattan, P Rengasamy, ... Advances in agronomy 169, 1-191, 2021 | 380 | 2021 |
Managing salinity and waterlogging in the Indus Basin of Pakistan AS Qureshi, PG McCornick, M Qadir, Z Aslam agricultural water management 95 (1), 1-10, 2008 | 377 | 2008 |
Water management in the Indus Basin in Pakistan: challenges and opportunities M Basharat Indus river basin, 375-388, 2019 | 327 | 2019 |
Mulching and water quality effects on soil salinity and sodicity dynamics and cotton productivity in Central Asia GA Bezborodov, DK Shadmanov, RT Mirhashimov, T Yuldashev, ... Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 138 (1-2), 95-102, 2010 | 270 | 2010 |
Evaluating heavy metal accumulation and potential health risks in vegetables irrigated with treated wastewater AS Qureshi, MI Hussain, S Ismail, QM Khan Chemosphere 163, 54-61, 2016 | 234 | 2016 |
Extent and characterisation of salt‐affected soils in Iran and strategies for their amelioration and management M Qadir, AS Qureshi, SAM Cheraghi Land Degradation & Development 19 (2), 214-227, 2008 | 189 | 2008 |
The groundwater economy of Pakistan AS Qureshi, T Shah, M Akhtar IWMI, 2003 | 173 | 2003 |
Salt‐induced land and water degradation in the Aral Sea basin: A challenge to sustainable agriculture in Central Asia M Qadir, AD Noble, AS Qureshi, RK Gupta, T Yuldashev, A Karimov Natural resources forum 33 (2), 134-149, 2009 | 164 | 2009 |
Water resources management in Afghanistan: The issues and options AS Qureshi Iwmi, 2002 | 153 | 2002 |
Groundwater governance in Pakistan: From colossal development to neglected management AS Qureshi Water 12 (11), 3017, 2020 | 150 | 2020 |
Reducing carbon emissions through improved irrigation and groundwater management: A case study from Iran P Karimi, AS Qureshi, R Bahramloo, D Molden Agricultural water management 108, 52-60, 2012 | 148 | 2012 |
Drought mitigation in Pakistan: current status and options for future strategies S Ahmad, Z Hussain, AS Qureshi, R Majeed, M Saleem IWMI, 2004 | 145 | 2004 |
The Indus and the Ganges: river basins under extreme pressure B Sharma, U Amarasinghe, C Xueliang, D de Condappa, T Shah, ... Water, Food and Poverty in River Basins, 30-58, 2013 | 125 | 2013 |
Sustainable groundwater management in Pakistan: challenges and opportunities AS Qureshi, MA Gill, A Sarwar Irrigation and Drainage: The Journal of the International Commission on …, 2010 | 123 | 2010 |
Evaluating planning and delivery performance of water user associations (WUAs) in Osh Province, Kyrgyzstan J Kazbekov, I Abdullaev, H Manthrithilake, A Qureshi, K Jumaboev Agricultural water management 96 (8), 1259-1267, 2009 | 105 | 2009 |
A review of management strategies for salt-prone land and water resources in Iran AS Qureshi, M Qadir, N Heydari, H Turral, A Javadi IWMI, 2007 | 105 | 2007 |
Sustaining crop water productivity in rice-wheat systems of South Asia: A case study from the Punjab, Pakistan WA Jehangir, I Masih, S Ahmed, MA Gill, M Ahmad, RA Mann, ... IWMI, 2007 | 102 | 2007 |
Groundwater management in Bangladesh: An analysis of problems and opportunities AS Qureshi, Z Ahmed, TJ Krupnik CIMMYT, 2014 | 98 | 2014 |