Theo dõi
Tobias Hesselmann
Tobias Hesselmann
Independent Researcher
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Trích dẫn bởi
Data visualization on interactive surfaces: A research agenda
P Isenberg, T Isenberg, T Hesselmann, B Lee, U Von Zadow, A Tang
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 33 (2), 16-24, 2013
Free-hand gestures for music playback: deriving gestures with a user-centred process
N Henze, A Löcken, S Boll, T Hesselmann, M Pielot
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2010
PocketMenu: non-visual menus for touch screen devices
M Pielot, A Kazakova, T Hesselmann, W Heuten, S Boll
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Human-computer …, 2012
Stacked Half-Pie menus: navigating nested menus on interactive tabletops
T Hesselmann, S Flöring, M Schmitt
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and …, 2009
FlashLight: optical communication between mobile phones and interactive tabletops
T Hesselmann, N Henze, S Boll
ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 135-138, 2010
Information and communication technologies for promoting and sustaining quality of life, health and self-sufficiency in ageing societies–outcomes of the Lower Saxony Research …
R Haux, A Hein, G Kolb, H Künemund, M Eichelberg, JE Appell, ...
Informatics for Health and Social Care 39 (3-4), 166-187, 2014
User-centred process for the definition of free-hand gestures applied to controlling music playback
A Löcken, T Hesselmann, M Pielot, N Henze, S Boll
Multimedia systems 18, 15-31, 2012
Ambix: Designing ambient light information displays
H Müller, J Fortmann, M Pielot, T Hesselmann, B Poppinga, W Heuten, ...
Proceedings of Designing Interactive Lighting workshop at DIS 10 (2317956 …, 2012
Lower Saxony Research Network GAL. Information and communication technologies for promoting and sustaining quality of life, health and self-sufficiency in ageing societies …
R Haux, A Hein, G Kolb, H Künemund, M Eichelberg, JE Appell, ...
Inform Health Soc Care 39 (3-4), 166-187, 2014
SCIVA: designing applications for surface computers
T Hesselmann, S Boll, W Heuten
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive …, 2011
Tap2Count: numerical input for interactive tabletops
T Hesselmann, W Heuten, S Boll
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and …, 2011
A framework for communication and interaction in spatially distributed social groups
J van de Ven, F Schmid, T Hesselmann, S Boll
Proceedings of SISSI Workshop, 73-82, 2010
SCiVA: a design process for applications on interactive surfaces
T Hesselmann, S Boll
ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 265-266, 2010
Tap: Towards visual analytics on interactive surfaces
S Flöring, T Hesselmann
Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces-CoVIS'09, 9, 2010
Drawing shapes and lines: spawning objects on interactive tabletops
T Hesselmann, V Gollücke, B Poppinga, W Heuten, S Boll
CHI'12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1835-1840, 2012
Workshop on Data Exploration for Interactive Surfaces DEXIS 2011
P Isenberg, S Carpendale, T Hesselmann, T Isenberg, B Lee
Proceedings of the Workshop on Data Exploration for Interactive Surfaces-DEXIS 2011
P Isenberg, S Carpendale, T Hesselmann, T Isenberg, B Lee
Designing User Interfaces for Interactive Tabletops
T Hesselmann
OlWIR, Oldenburger Verlag für Wirtschaft, Informatik und Recht, 2012
SISSI'10: social interaction in spatially separated environments
F Schmid, T Hesselmann, S Boll, K Cheverst, L Kulik
Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference adjunct papers on …, 2010
TAP: visual analytics on surface computers
S Flöring, T Hesselmann
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and …, 2009
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