Validation of a brief sense of community scale: Confirmation of the principal theory of sense of community NA Peterson, PW Speer, DW McMillan Journal of community psychology 36 (1), 61-73, 2008 | 970 | 2008 |
Beyond the individual: Toward a nomological network of organizational empowerment NA Peterson, MA Zimmerman American journal of community psychology 34 (1-2), 129-145, 2004 | 617 | 2004 |
School engagement among Latino youth in an urban middle school context: Valuing the role of social support P Garcia-Reid, RJ Reid, NA Peterson Education and urban society 37 (3), 257-275, 2005 | 450 | 2005 |
Cognitive interviewing for item development: Validity evidence based on content and response processes CH Peterson, NA Peterson, KG Powell Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 50 (4), 217-223, 2017 | 387 | 2017 |
Psychometric properties of an empowerment scale: Testing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral domains PW Speer, NA Peterson Social work research 24 (2), 109-118, 2000 | 336 | 2000 |
The role of empowerment in youth development: A study of sociopolitical control as mediator of ecological systems’ influence on developmental outcomes BD Christens, NA Peterson Journal of youth and adolescence 41, 623-635, 2012 | 335 | 2012 |
Empowerment theory: Clarifying the nature of higher-order multidimensional constructs NA Peterson American journal of community psychology 53, 96-108, 2014 | 305 | 2014 |
Sense of community in community organizations: Structure and evidence of validity J Hughey, PW Speer, NA Peterson Journal of community psychology 27 (1), 97-113, 1999 | 298 | 1999 |
The relationship between social cohesion and empowerment: Support and new implications for theory PW Speer, CB Jackson, NA Peterson Health education & behavior 28 (6), 716-732, 2001 | 296 | 2001 |
Community participation and psychological empowerment: Testing reciprocal causality using a cross-lagged panel design and latent constructs BD Christens, NA Peterson, PW Speer Health Education & Behavior 38 (4), 339-347, 2011 | 243 | 2011 |
Paths to psychological empowerment in an urban community: Sense of community and citizen participation in substance abuse prevention activities NA Peterson, RJ Reid Journal of Community Psychology 31 (1), 25-38, 2003 | 233 | 2003 |
The influence of participation, gender and organizational sense of community on psychological empowerment: The moderating effects of income PW Speer, NA Peterson, TL Armstead, CT Allen American journal of community psychology 51, 103-113, 2013 | 199 | 2013 |
Measuring the intrapersonal component of psychological empowerment: Confirmatory factor analysis of the sociopolitical control scale NA Peterson, JB Lowe, J Hughey, RJ Reid, MA Zimmerman, PW Speer American journal of community psychology 38, 287-297, 2006 | 197 | 2006 |
Measuring youth empowerment: Validation of a sociopolitical control scale for youth in an urban community context NA Peterson, CH Peterson, L Agre, BD Christens, CM Morton Journal of Community Psychology 39 (5), 592-605, 2011 | 189 | 2011 |
Measuring sense of community: A methodological interpretation of the factor structure debate NA Peterson, PW Speer, J Hughey Journal of Community Psychology 34 (4), 453-469, 2006 | 185 | 2006 |
Linking social cohesion and gender to intrapersonal and interactional empowerment: Support and new implications for theory NA Peterson, JB Lowe, ML Aquilino, JE Schneider Journal of community psychology 33 (2), 233-244, 2005 | 173 | 2005 |
Tobacco outlet density and demographics: analysing the relationships with a spatial regression approach D Yu, NA Peterson, MA Sheffer, RJ Reid, JE Schnieder Public health 124 (7), 412-416, 2010 | 159 | 2010 |
Social cohesion and intrapersonal empowerment: Gender as moderator NA Peterson, J Hughey Health education research 19 (5), 533-542, 2004 | 157 | 2004 |
Measuring bystander attitudes and behavior to prevent sexual violence S McMahon, CT Allen, JL Postmus, SM McMahon, NA Peterson, ... Journal of American College Health 62 (1), 58-66, 2014 | 143 | 2014 |
Tobacco outlet density and demographics at the tract level of analysis in Iowa: implications for environmentally based prevention initiatives JE Schneider, RJ Reid, NA Peterson, JB Lowe, J Hughey Prevention Science 6, 319-325, 2005 | 137 | 2005 |