Quantum simulation of the Dirac equation R Gerritsma, G Kirchmair, F Zähringer, E Solano, R Blatt, CF Roos
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911 2010 Universal digital quantum simulation with trapped ions BP Lanyon, C Hempel, D Nigg, M Müller, R Gerritsma, F Zähringer, ...
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794 2011 Realization of a quantum walk with one and two trapped ions F Zähringer, G Kirchmair, R Gerritsma, E Solano, R Blatt, CF Roos
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673 2010 State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality G Kirchmair, F Zähringer, R Gerritsma, M Kleinmann, O Gühne, A Cabello, ...
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284 2019 Quantum simulation of the Klein paradox with trapped ions R Gerritsma, BP Lanyon, G Kirchmair, F Zähringer, C Hempel, ...
Physical review letters 106 (6), 060503, 2011
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Physical Review Letters 111 (8), 080501, 2013
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Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (2), 022121, 2010
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110 2011 Entanglement-enhanced detection of single-photon scattering events C Hempel, BP Lanyon, P Jurcevic, R Gerritsma, R Blatt, CF Roos
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Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (2), 020101, 2010
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95 2007 Dynamically controlled toroidal and ring-shaped magnetic traps T Fernholz, R Gerritsma, P Krüger, RJC Spreeuw
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (6), 063406, 2007
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