Depression and generalised anxiety in the general population in Belgium: a comparison between native and immigrant groups K Levecque, I Lodewyckx, J Vranken Journal of affective disorders 97 (1-3), 229-239, 2007 | 252 | 2007 |
Diversity matters: Immigrant entrepreneurship and contribution of different forms of social integration in economic performance of cities A Eraydin, T Tasan-Kok, J Vranken European Planning Studies 18 (4), 521-543, 2010 | 170 | 2010 |
Armoede en sociale uitsluiting: jaarboek 1998 J Vranken, D Geldof, G Van Menxel | 105 | 1998 |
Revitalizing the city in an anti‐urban context: Extreme right and the rise of urban policies in Flanders, Belgium P De Decker, C Kesteloot, F De Maesschalck, J Vranken International journal of urban and regional research 29 (1), 152-171, 2005 | 92 | 2005 |
Armoede en sociale uitsluiting J Vranken, D Geldof, G Van Menxel Jaarboek, Leuven: Acco (jaarlijks, sinds 1990), 1998 | 92 | 1998 |
Armoede en sociale uitsluiting. Jaarboek 2004 J Vranken, K De Boyser, D Dierckx Acco, 2008 | 81 | 2008 |
Unravelling the social strands of poverty: Differentiation, fragmentation, inequality, and exclusion J Vranken Governing European Cities, 71-91, 2019 | 69 | 2019 |
Changing forms of solidarity: urban development programs in Europe J Vranken Cities of Europe: Changing contexts, local arrangements, and the challenge …, 2005 | 62 | 2005 |
Industrial rights J Vranken cap 3, 47-73, 1990 | 51 | 1990 |
Social inclusion, urban governance and sustainability: Towards a conceptual framework for the UGIS research project J Vranken, P De Decker, I Van Nieuwenhuyze Garant, 2003 | 50 | 2003 |
European urban governance in fragmented societies J Friedrichs, J Vranken Governing European Cities, 19-39, 2019 | 48 | 2019 |
Handbook for multilevel urban governance in Europe: Analysing participatory instruments for an integrated urban development T Tasan-Kok, J Vranken EUKN, 2011 | 42 | 2011 |
From survival to competition? The socio-spatial evolution of Turkish immigrant entrepreneurs in Antwerp T Tasan-Kok, J Vranken Geojournal Library 93, 151, 2008 | 39 | 2008 |
Faith-based organizations and social exclusion in European cities D Dierckx, J Vranken, W Kerstens Leuven: Acco, 2009 | 36 | 2009 |
Het speelveld en de spelregels: een inleiding tot de sociologie J Vranken, E Henderickx | 32 | 1997 |
Bruggen over woelig water R Thys, W De Raedemaecker, J Vranken | 31 | 2003 |
How to make a successful urban development programme J Burgers, J Vranken Experiences from 9, 2004 | 28 | 2004 |
No social cohesion without social exclusion J Vranken Research Unit on Poverty, Social Exclusion and the City, 2001 | 28 | 2001 |
La précarité énergétique en Belgique F Huybrechs, S Meyer, J Vranken, G Campaert, H Moureau, E Storms Rapport final, 2011 | 27 | 2011 |
Onderwijs en armoedebestrijding: op zoek naar een nieuwe adem I Nicaise Acco; Leuven/Den Haag, 2001 | 26 | 2001 |