Disentangling data discrepancies with integrated population models SP Saunders, MT Farr, AD Wright, CA Bahlai, JW Ribeiro Jr, S Rossman, ... Ecology 100 (6), e02714, 2019 | 69 | 2019 |
Errors in aerial survey count data: Identifying pitfalls and solutions KL Davis, ED Silverman, AL Sussman, RR Wilson, EF Zipkin Ecology and evolution 12 (3), e8733, 2022 | 33 | 2022 |
A comparative analysis of common methods to identify waterbird hotspots AL Sussman, B Gardner, EM Adams, L Salas, KP Kenow, DR Luukkonen, ... Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (9), 1454-1468, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Statistical guidelines for assessing marine avian hotspots and coldspots: A case study on wind energy development in the US Atlantic Ocean EF Zipkin, BP Kinlan, A Sussman, D Rypkema, M Wimer, AF O'Connell Biological Conservation 191, 216-223, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Seabird visual surveys using line-transect methods collected from NOAA vessels in the northern Gulf of Mexico for the Gulf of Mexico Marine Assessment Program for Protected … JS Gleason, RR Wilson, PGR Jodice, YG Satgé, PE Michael, KM Hixson, ... US Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. NOAA …, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
A comparative analysis of common methods to identify waterbird hotspots. Methods Ecol Evol 10: 1454–1468 AL Sussman, B Gardner, EM Adams, L Salas, KP Kenow, DR Luukkonen, ... | 5 | 2019 |
Statistical guidelines for sampling marine avian populations EF Zipkin, B Kinlan, A Sussman, M Wimer, AF O’Connell | | 2021 |
Statistical analysis to support guidelines for marine avian sampling-presentation/report to BOEM, Oct. 26, 2012 B Kinlan, EF Zipkin, AF O'Connell, A Sussman, M Wimer, C Caldow | | 2021 |
Modeling seabird group size: implications for ecological impact assessments D Rypkema, EF Zipkin, AF O'Connell, A Sussman, M Wimer | | 2021 |
Assessing Waterbird Hotspots for Conservation and Management in the Great Lakes AL Sussman Michigan State University. Integrative Biology, 2017 | | 2017 |
Methods in Ecology and Evolution AL Sussman, B Gardner, EM Adams, L Salas, KP Kenow, DR Luukkonen, ... | | |