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167 1981 Laser-produced continua for absorption spectroscopy in the VUV and XUV PK Carroll, ET Kennedy, GO Sullivan
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140 1980 Tunable narrowband soft x-ray source for projection lithography GD O'Sullivan, R Faulkner
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130 1994 Statistics and characteristics of xuv transition arrays from laser-produced plasmas of the elements tin through iodine W Svendsen, G O’Sullivan
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116 1982 Simplified modeling of 13.5 nm unresolved transition array emission of a Sn plasma and comparison with experiment J White, P Hayden, P Dunne, A Cummings, N Murphy, P Sheridan, ...
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89 1983 New continua for absorption spectroscopy from 40 to 2000 Å PK Carroll, ET Kennedy, G O'Sullivan
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64 1978 Charge-dependent wavefunction collapse in ionised xenon G O'Sullivan
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62 1982 Transitions and the effects of configuration interaction in the spectra of Sn XV –Sn XVIII R D’Arcy, H Ohashi, S Suda, H Tanuma, S Fujioka, H Nishimura, ...
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57 2009 Extreme-ultraviolet spectroscopy of highly charged xenon ions created using an electron-beam ion trap K Fahy, E Sokell, G O’Sullivan, A Aguilar, JM Pomeroy, JN Tan, ...
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56 1997 Conversion efficiency of a laser-produced Sn plasma at 13.5 nm, simulated with a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model and treated as a multi-component blackbody A Cummings, G O'Sullivan, P Dunne, E Sokell, N Murphy, J White
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55 2005 Discrete structure in the 4d photoabsorption spectrum of antimony and its ions R d'Arcy, JT Costello, C McGuinness, G O'Sullivan
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54 1999 Evolution analysis of EUV radiation from laser-produced tin plasmas based on a radiation hydrodynamics model MG Su, Q Min, SQ Cao, DX Sun, P Hayden, G O’sullivan, CZ Dong
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51 2017 Analysis of EUV spectra of Sn XIX–XXII observed in low-density plasmas in the Large Helical Device C Suzuki, T Kato, HA Sakaue, D Kato, K Sato, N Tamura, S Sudo, ...
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46 2010 Prepulse-enhanced narrow bandwidth soft x-ray emission from a low debris, subnanosecond, laser plasma source P Dunne, G O’sullivan, D O’Reilly
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44 2000 The origin of line-free XUV continuum emission from laser-produced plasmas of the elements 62⩽ Z⩽ 74 G O'Sullivan
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