On braggarts and gossips: A self-enhancement account of word-of-mouth generation and transmission M De Angelis, A Bonezzi, AM Peluso, DD Rucker, M Costabile Journal of Marketing Research 49 (4), 551-563, 2012 | 567 | 2012 |
A meta-analysis of satisfaction with complaint handling in services C Orsingher, S Valentini, M De Angelis Journal of the academy of marketing science 38, 169-186, 2010 | 534 | 2010 |
Sharing with friends versus strangers: How interpersonal closeness influences word-of-mouth valence D Dubois, A Bonezzi, M De Angelis Journal of Marketing Research 53 (5), 712-727, 2016 | 305 | 2016 |
The effect of negative message framing on green consumption: An investigation of the role of shame C Amatulli, M De Angelis, AM Peluso, I Soscia, G Guido Journal of Business Ethics 157, 1111-1132, 2019 | 264 | 2019 |
Stuck in the middle: The psychophysics of goal pursuit A Bonezzi, CM Brendl, M De Angelis Psychological science 22 (5), 607-612, 2011 | 231 | 2011 |
Consumers' perceptions of luxury brands’ CSR initiatives: An investigation of the role of status and conspicuous consumption C Amatulli, M De Angelis, D Korschun, S Romani Journal of Cleaner Production 194, 277-287, 2018 | 223 | 2018 |
The role of design similarity in consumers’ evaluation of new green products: An investigation of luxury fashion brands M De Angelis, F Adıgüzel, C Amatulli Journal of Cleaner Production 141, 1515-1527, 2017 | 200 | 2017 |
The influence of corporate social responsibility on consumers' attitudes and intentions toward genetically modified foods: evidence from Italy G Pino, C Amatulli, M De Angelis, AM Peluso Journal of cleaner production 112, 2861-2869, 2016 | 170 | 2016 |
The effect of social density on word of mouth I Consiglio, M De Angelis, M Costabile Journal of Consumer Research 45 (3), 511-528, 2018 | 153 | 2018 |
Sustainable luxury brands: Evidence from research and implications for managers C Amatulli, M De Angelis, M Costabile, G Guido Springer, 2017 | 141 | 2017 |
An investigation on the effectiveness of hedonic versus utilitarian message appeals in luxury product communication C Amatulli, M De Angelis, C Donato Psychology & Marketing 37 (4), 523-534, 2020 | 132 | 2020 |
Understanding purchase determinants of luxury vintage products C Amatulli, G Pino, M De Angelis, R Cascio Psychology & Marketing 35 (8), 616-624, 2018 | 121 | 2018 |
The appeal of sustainability in luxury hospitality: An investigation on the role of perceived integrity C Amatulli, M De Angelis, A Stoppani Tourism Management 83, 104228, 2021 | 119 | 2021 |
An investigation of unsustainable luxury: How guilt drives negative word-of-mouth C Amatulli, M De Angelis, G Pino, G Guido International Journal of Research in Marketing 37 (4), 821-836, 2020 | 84 | 2020 |
Analyzing online reviews in hospitality: Data-driven opportunities for predicting the sharing of negative emotional content C Amatulli, M De Angelis, A Stoppani Current issues in tourism 22 (15), 1904-1917, 2019 | 78 | 2019 |
Attachment styles moderate customer responses to frontline service robots: Evidence from affective, attitudinal, and behavioral measures R Pozharliev, M De Angelis, D Rossi, S Romani, W Verbeke, P Cherubino Psychology & Marketing 38 (5), 881-895, 2021 | 76 | 2021 |
The effect of augmented reality versus traditional advertising: a comparison between neurophysiological and self-reported measures R Pozharliev, M De Angelis, D Rossi Marketing Letters 33 (1), 113-128, 2022 | 68 | 2022 |
Product touch in the real and digital world: How do consumers react? G Pino, C Amatulli, R Nataraajan, M De Angelis, AM Peluso, G Guido Journal of Business Research 112, 492-501, 2020 | 68 | 2020 |
The atypicality of sustainable luxury products C Amatulli, M De Angelis, C Donato Psychology & Marketing 38 (11), 1990-2005, 2021 | 64 | 2021 |
How sensory language shapes influencer’s impact GL Cascio Rizzo, J Berger, M De Angelis, R Pozharliev Journal of Consumer Research 50 (4), 810-825, 2023 | 63 | 2023 |