Pollen-pistil size correlation and pollen size-number trade-off in species of Argentinian Nyctaginaceae with different pollen reserves HA López, AM Anton, L Galetto Plant Systematics and Evolution 256, 69-73, 2005 | 4779 | 2005 |
Plant reproductive susceptibility to habitat fragmentation: review and synthesis through a meta‐analysis R Aguilar, L Ashworth, L Galetto, MA Aizen Ecology letters 9 (8), 968-980, 2006 | 1339 | 2006 |
A global-scale expert assessment of drivers and risks associated with pollinator decline LV Dicks, TD Breeze, HT Ngo, D Senapathi, J An, MA Aizen, P Basu, ... Nature ecology & evolution 5 (10), 1453-1461, 2021 | 429 | 2021 |
Diversity, threats and conservation of native bees in the Neotropics BM Freitas, VL Imperatriz-Fonseca, LM Medina, AMP Kleinert, L Galetto, ... Apidologie 40 (3), 332-346, 2009 | 400 | 2009 |
Reproductive success in fragmented habitats: do compatibility systems and pollination specialization matter? MA Aizen, L Ashworth, L Galetto Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (6), 885-892, 2002 | 279 | 2002 |
Floral Nectaries, Nectar Production Dynamics and Chemical Composition in Six Ipomoea Species (Convolvulaceae) in Relation to Pollinators L Galetto, G Bernardello Annals of botany 94 (2), 269-280, 2004 | 256 | 2004 |
Why do pollination generalist and specialist plant species show similar reproductive susceptibility to habitat fragmentation? L Ashworth, R Aguilar, L Galetto, MA Aizen Journal of Ecology, 717-719, 2004 | 253 | 2004 |
Ten policies for pollinators LV Dicks, B Viana, R Bommarco, B Brosi, MC Arizmendi, SA Cunningham, ... Science 354 (6315), 975-976, 2016 | 243 | 2016 |
Nectar concentration and composition of 26 species from the temperate forest of South America VR Chalcoff, MA Aizen, L Galetto Annals of botany 97 (3), 413-421, 2006 | 232 | 2006 |
Rewards in flowers: nectar L Galetto, G Bernardello Practical pollination biology, 261-313, 2005 | 187 | 2005 |
Key knowledge gaps to achieve global sustainability goals ME Mastrángelo, N Pérez-Harguindeguy, L Enrico, E Bennett, S Lavorel, ... Nature Sustainability 2 (12), 1115-1121, 2019 | 171 | 2019 |
Effects of forest fragmentation on male and female reproductive success in Cestrum parqui (Solanaceae) R Aguilar, L Galetto Oecologia 138, 513-520, 2004 | 143 | 2004 |
Biocultural approaches to pollinator conservation R Hill, G Nates-Parra, JJG Quezada-Euán, D Buchori, G LeBuhn, ... Nature Sustainability 2 (3), 214-222, 2019 | 142 | 2019 |
Nectar sugar composition in angiosperms from Chaco and Patagonia (Argentina): an animal visitor's matter? L Galetto, G Bernardello Plant Systematics and Evolution 238, 69-86, 2003 | 128 | 2003 |
Are nectar sugar composition and corolla tube length related to the diversity of insects that visit Asteraceae flowers? C Torres, L Galetto Plant biology 4 (03), 360-366, 2002 | 124 | 2002 |
Patterns and implications of floral nectar secretion, chemical composition, removal effects and standing crop in Mandevilla pentlandiana (Apocynaceae) C TORRES, L GALETTO Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 127 (3), 207-223, 1998 | 121 | 1998 |
Beyond the pollination syndrome: nectar ecology and the role of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators in the reproductive success of Inga sessilis (Fabaceae) FW Amorim, L Galetto, M Sazima Plant biology 15 (2), 317-327, 2013 | 120 | 2013 |
Floral Nectar, Nectary Structure and Pollinators in Some Argentinean Bromeliaceae M Bernardello, L Galetto, HR Juliani Annals of Botany 67 (5), 401-411, 1991 | 112 | 1991 |
The diversity and evolution of pollination systems in large plant clades: Apocynaceae as a case study J Ollerton, S Liede-Schumann, ME Endress, U Meve, AR Rech, ... Annals of Botany 123 (2), 311-325, 2019 | 111 | 2019 |
Nectaries and reproductive biology of Croton sarcopetalus (Euphorbiaceae) L Freitas, G Bernardello, L Galetto, AAS Paoli Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 136 (3), 267-277, 2001 | 87 | 2001 |