Animal thermal comfort indexes in silvopastoral systems with different tree arrangements JRM Pezzopane, MLF Nicodemo, C Bosi, AR Garcia, J Lulu Journal of thermal biology 79, 103-111, 2019 | 135 | 2019 |
Water footprint accounting and scarcity indicators of conventional and organic dairy production systems JCP Palhares, JRM Pezzopane Journal of Cleaner Production 93, 299-307, 2015 | 131 | 2015 |
Behavior and body surface temperature of beef cattle in integrated crop-livestock systems with or without tree shading A Giro, JRM Pezzopane, WB Junior, A de Faria Pedroso, AP Lemes, ... Science of the Total Environment 684, 587-596, 2019 | 124 | 2019 |
Escala para avaliação de estádios fenológicos do cafeeiro arábica JRM Pezzopane, MJ Pedro Júnior, RA Thomaziello, MBP Camargo Bragantia 62, 499-505, 2003 | 111 | 2003 |
Microclimate and soil moisture in a silvopastoral system in southeastern Brazil JRM Pezzopane, C Bosi, MLF Nicodemo, PM Santos, PG Cruz, ... Bragantia 74 (1), 110-119, 2015 | 101 | 2015 |
Integrated farming systems influence soil organic matter dynamics in southeastern Brazil W Bieluczyk, M de Cássia Piccolo, MG Pereira, MT de Moraes, ... Geoderma 371, 114368, 2020 | 98 | 2020 |
Spatial variability of leaf wetness duration in different crop canopies PC Sentelhas, TJ Gillespie, JC Batzer, ML Gleason, JEBA Monteiro, ... International Journal of Biometeorology 49, 363-370, 2005 | 82 | 2005 |
Café arábica: cultura e técnicas de produção RA Thomaziello, LC Fazuoli, JRM Pezzopane, JI Fahl, MLC Carelli | 81 | 2000 |
Response mechanisms of Brachiaria brizantha cultivars to water deficit stress PM Santos, PG Cruz, LC Araujo, JRM Pezzopane, CB Valle, ... Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 42, 767-773, 2013 | 77 | 2013 |
Avaliação do desempenho dos diferentes métodos de interpoladores para parâmetros do balanço hídrico climatológico FS Castro, JEM Pezzopane, RA Cecílio, JRM Pezzopane, AC Xavier Revista brasileira de engenharia agrícola e ambiental 14, 871-880, 2010 | 77 | 2010 |
Condições microclimáticas em cultivo de café conilon a pleno sol e arborizado com nogueira macadâmia JRM Pezzopane, MMS Marsetti, JM Souza, JEM Pezzopane Ciência Rural 40, 1257-1263, 2010 | 76* | 2010 |
Forage productivity and nutritive value during pasture renovation in integrated systems JRM Pezzopane, ACC Bernardi, C Bosi, PPA Oliveira, MH Marconato, ... Agroforestry Systems 93, 39-49, 2019 | 74 | 2019 |
Simulating tropical forage growth and biomass accumulation: an overview of model development and application AS Andrade, PM Santos, JRM Pezzopane, LC De Araujo, BC Pedreira, ... Grass and forage science 71 (1), 54-65, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
Zoneamento de risco climático para a cultura do café Conilon no Estado do Espírito Santo JRM Pezzopane, FS Castro, JEM Pezzopane, R Bonomo, GS Saraiva Revista Ciência Agronômica 41, 341-348, 2010 | 72 | 2010 |
Evaluation of a Penman–Monteith approach to provide “reference” and crop canopy leaf wetness duration estimates PC Sentelhas, TJ Gillespie, ML Gleason, JEBM Monteiro, ... Agricultural and forest meteorology 141 (2-4), 105-117, 2006 | 68 | 2006 |
Silvopastoral system is an alternative to improve animal welfare and productive performance in meat production systems AP Lemes, AR Garcia, JRM Pezzopane, FZ Brandão, YF Watanabe, ... Scientific Reports 11 (1), 14092, 2021 | 65 | 2021 |
Silvopastoral system with Eucalyptus as a strategy for mitigating the effects of climate change on Brazilian pasturelands C Bosi, JRM Pezzopane, PC Sentelhas Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 92, e20180425, 2020 | 65 | 2020 |
Soil water availability in a full sun pasture and in a silvopastoral system with eucalyptus C Bosi, JRM Pezzopane, PC Sentelhas Agroforestry Systems 94 (2), 429-440, 2020 | 64 | 2020 |
Thermoregulation of male sheep of indigenous or exotic breeds in a tropical environment MH de Andrade Pantoja, SN Esteves, MAC Jacinto, JRM Pezzopane, ... Journal of Thermal Biology 69, 302-310, 2017 | 64 | 2017 |
Agrometeorologia: aplicações para o Espírito Santo JEM Pezzopane, FS Castro, JRM Pezzopane, RA Cecílio Alegre, ES: CAUFES 174, 2012 | 64 | 2012 |