Visualization of the interfacial decomposition of composite cathodes in argyrodite-based all-solid-state batteries using time-of-flight secondary-ion mass spectrometry F Walther, R Koerver, T Fuchs, S Ohno, J Sann, M Rohnke, WG Zeier, ...
Chemistry of materials 31 (10), 3745-3755, 2019
337 2019 Biocompatibility of silver nanoparticles and silver ions in primary human mesenchymal stem cells and osteoblasts L Pauksch, S Hartmann, M Rohnke, G Szalay, V Alt, R Schnettler, KS Lips
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177 2020 The Working Principle of a Li2 CO3 /LiNbO3 Coating on NCM for Thiophosphate-Based All-Solid-State Batteries F Walther, F Strauss, X Wu, B Mogwitz, J Hertle, J Sann, M Rohnke, ...
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176 2021 Tin-Assisted Synthesis of by Molecular Beam Epitaxy M Kracht, A Karg, J Schörmann, M Weinhold, D Zink, F Michel, M Rohnke, ...
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174 2017 Employing plasmas as gaseous electrodes at the free surface of ionic liquids: deposition of nanocrystalline silver particles SA Meiss, M Rohnke, L Kienle, S Zein El Abedin, F Endres, J Janek
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144 2013 In situ study of activation and de-activation of LSM fuel cell cathodes–Electrochemistry and surface analysis of thin-film electrodes AK Huber, M Falk, M Rohnke, B Luerssen, M Amati, L Gregoratti, D Hesse, ...
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130 2012 A mechanistic investigation of the Li10 GeP2 S12 |LiNi1-x-y Cox Mny O2 interface stability in all-solid-state lithium batteries TT Zuo, R Rueß, R Pan, F Walther, M Rohnke, S Hori, R Kanno, ...
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124 2021 In situ study of electrochemical activation and surface segregation of the SOFC electrode material La 0.75 Sr 0.25 Cr 0.5 Mn 0.5 O 3±δ AK Huber, M Falk, M Rohnke, B Luerßen, L Gregoratti, M Amati, J Janek
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122 2012 Strontium and bisphosphonate coated iron foam scaffolds for osteoporotic fracture defect healing S Ray, U Thormann, M Eichelroth, M Budak, C Biehl, M Rupp, U Sommer, ...
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95 2018 Quantitative 3D fluorescence imaging of single catalytic turnovers reveals spatiotemporal gradients in reactivity of zeolite H-ZSM-5 crystals upon steaming Z Ristanović, JP Hofmann, G De Cremer, AV Kubarev, M Rohnke, ...
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85 2015 Molecular surface modification of NCM622 cathode material using organophosphates for improved Li-ion battery full-cells S Neudeck, F Walther, T Bergfeldt, C Suchomski, M Rohnke, P Hartmann, ...
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84 2018 Strontium substitution in apatitic CaP cements effectively attenuates osteoclastic resorption but does not inhibit osteoclastogenesis M Schumacher, AS Wagner, J Kokesch-Himmelreich, A Bernhardt, ...
Acta biomaterialia 37, 184-194, 2016
84 2016 XPS and SIMS analysis of solid electrolyte interphases on lithium formed by ether-based electrolytes C Fiedler, B Luerssen, M Rohnke, J Sann, J Janek
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70 2017 Intergrowth structure and aluminium zoning of a zeolite ZSM‐5 crystal as resolved by synchrotron‐based micro x‐ray diffraction imaging Z Ristanović, JP Hofmann, U Deka, TU Schülli, M Rohnke, AM Beale, ...
Angewandte Chemie 125 (50), 13624-13628, 2013
69 2013 Oxygen tracer diffusion along interfaces of strained Y 2 O 3/YSZ multilayers H Aydin, C Korte, M Rohnke, J Janek
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (6), 1944-1955, 2013
65 2013 Applicability of ToF-SIMS for monitoring compositional changes in bone in a long-term animal model A Henss, M Rohnke, T El Khassawna, P Govindarajan, G Schlewitz, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 10 (86), 20130332, 2013
62 2013 Conceptual framework for dislocation-modified conductivity in oxide ceramics deconvoluting mesoscopic structure, core, and space charge exemplified for SrTiO3 L Porz, T Frömling, A Nakamura, N Li, R Maruyama, K Matsunaga, ...
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