Các bài viết có thể truy cập công khai - Robin AllshireTìm hiểu thêm
Không có ở bất kỳ nơi nào: 2
Genome-Wide Profiling of Histone Modifications in Fission Yeast Using CUT&Tag
S Torres-Garcia, Y Huang, FS Dewornu, P Tong, R Yeboah, R Allshire, ...
Schizosaccharomyces pombe: Methods and Protocols, 309-320, 2024
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Wellcome Trust
ChIPmentation for Epigenomic Analysis in Fission Yeast
FS Dewornu, P Tong, S Torres-Garcia, A Pidoux, R Allshire, M Shukla
Schizosaccharomyces pombe: Methods and Protocols, 255-266, 2024
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Wellcome Trust
Có tại một số nơi: 57
Ten principles of heterochromatin formation and function
RC Allshire, HD Madhani
Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 19 (4), 229-244, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust
Epigenetic regulation of centromeric chromatin: old dogs, new tricks?
RC Allshire, GH Karpen
Nature Reviews Genetics 9 (12), 923-937, 2008
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health
Comparative functional genomics of the fission yeasts
N Rhind, Z Chen, M Yassour, DA Thompson, BJ Haas, N Habib, ...
Science 332 (6032), 930-936, 2011
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Restricted epigenetic inheritance of H3K9 methylation
PNCB Audergon, S Catania, A Kagansky, P Tong, M Shukla, AL Pidoux, ...
Science 348 (6230), 132-135, 2015
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Wellcome Trust
Fission yeast Scm3: A CENP-A receptor required for integrity of subkinetochore chromatin
AL Pidoux, ES Choi, JKR Abbott, X Liu, A Kagansky, AG Castillo, ...
Molecular cell 33 (3), 299-311, 2009
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health
Epigenetic regulation of chromatin states in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
RC Allshire, K Ekwall
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 7 (7), a018770, 2015
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swedish Research Council, Wellcome Trust
A histone H3K36 chromatin switch coordinates DNA double-strand break repair pathway choice
CC Pai, RS Deegan, L Subramanian, C Gal, S Sarkar, EJ Blaikley, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4091, 2014
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, UK …
Gain-of-function DNMT3A mutations cause microcephalic dwarfism and hypermethylation of Polycomb-regulated regions
P Heyn, CV Logan, A Fluteau, RC Challis, T Auchynnikava, CA Martin, ...
Nature genetics 51 (1), 96-105, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Institutes of Health, Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research …
Identification of noncoding transcripts from within CENP-A chromatin at fission yeast centromeres
ES Choi, A Strålfors, AG Castillo, M Durand-Dubief, K Ekwall, RC Allshire
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (26), 23600-23607, 2011
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swedish Research Council
Splicing factors facilitate RNAi-directed silencing in fission yeast
EH Bayne, M Portoso, A Kagansky, IC Kos-Braun, T Urano, K Ekwall, ...
Science 322 (5901), 602-606, 2008
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
SPOCD1 is an essential executor of piRNA-directed de novo DNA methylation
A Zoch, T Auchynnikava, RV Berrens, Y Kabayama, T Schöpp, M Heep, ...
Nature 584 (7822), 635-639, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: German Research Foundation, UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust …
Factors That Promote H3 Chromatin Integrity during Transcription Prevent Promiscuous Deposition of CENP-ACnp1 in Fission Yeast
ES Choi, A Strålfors, S Catania, AG Castillo, JP Svensson, AL Pidoux, ...
Public Library of Science 8 (9), e1002985, 2012
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swedish Research Council
Sequence features and transcriptional stalling within centromere DNA promote establishment of CENP-A chromatin
S Catania, AL Pidoux, RC Allshire
PLoS genetics 11 (3), e1004986, 2015
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Wellcome Trust, European Commission
Long non-coding RNA-mediated transcriptional interference of a permease gene confers drug tolerance in fission yeast
R Ard, P Tong, RC Allshire
Nature communications 5 (1), 5576, 2014
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Wellcome Trust, European Commission
Epigenetic gene silencing by heterochromatin primes fungal resistance
S Torres-Garcia, I Yaseen, M Shukla, PNCB Audergon, SA White, ...
Nature 585 (7825), 453-458, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Medical …
Distinct roles for Sir2 and RNAi in centromeric heterochromatin nucleation, spreading and maintenance
A Buscaino, E Lejeune, P Audergon, G Hamilton, A Pidoux, RC Allshire
The EMBO journal 32 (9), 1250-1264, 2013
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Wellcome Trust
A programmed wave of uridylation-primed mRNA degradation is essential for meiotic progression and mammalian spermatogenesis
M Morgan, Y Kabayama, C Much, I Ivanova, M Di Giacomo, ...
Cell research 29 (3), 221-232, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Wellcome Trust, European Commission
A nucleosome turnover map reveals that the stability of histone H4 Lys20 methylation depends on histone recycling in transcribed chromatin
JP Svensson, M Shukla, V Menendez-Benito, U Norman-Axelsson, ...
Genome research 25 (6), 872-883, 2015
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Swedish Research Council, Wellcome Trust
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