Geothermal energy systems: exploration, development, and utilization E Huenges, P Ledru John Wiley & Sons, 2011 | 395 | 2011 |
Early Proterozoic ore deposits and tectonics of the Birimian orogenic belt, West Africa JP Milési, P Ledru, JL Feybesse, A Dommanget, E Marcoux Precambrian Research 58 (1-4), 305-344, 1992 | 358 | 1992 |
Markers of the last stages of the Palaeoproterozoic collision: evidence for a 2 Ga continent involving circum-South Atlantic provinces P Ledru, V Johan, JP Milési, M Tegyey Precambrian Research 69 (1-4), 169-191, 1994 | 297 | 1994 |
A review of the pre-Permian geology of the Variscan French Massif Central M Faure, JM Lardeaux, P Ledru Comptes rendus géoscience 341 (2-3), 202-213, 2009 | 285 | 2009 |
Où sont les nappes dans le Massif central français? P Ledru, JM Lardeaux, D Santallier, A Autran, JM Quenardel, JP Floc'h, ... Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 605-618, 1989 | 223 | 1989 |
The Variscan French Massif Central—a new addition to the ultra-high pressure metamorphic ‘club’: exhumation processes and geodynamic consequences JM Lardeaux, P Ledru, I Daniel, S Duchene Tectonophysics 332 (1-2), 143-167, 2001 | 220 | 2001 |
Geological modelling from field data and geological knowledge: Part II. Modelling validation using gravity and magnetic data inversion A Guillen, P Calcagno, G Courrioux, A Joly, P Ledru Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 171 (1-4), 158-169, 2008 | 217 | 2008 |
The Velay dome (French Massif Central): melt generation and granite emplacement during orogenic evolution P Ledru, G Courrioux, C Dallain, JM Lardeaux, JM Montel, ... Tectonophysics 342 (3-4), 207-237, 2001 | 212 | 2001 |
Using ASTER remote sensing data set for geological mapping, in Namibia C Gomez, C Delacourt, P Allemand, P Ledru, R Wackerle Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 30 (1-3), 97-108, 2005 | 187 | 2005 |
Contrasting mechanism of crustal growth: geodynamic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic granite–greenstone belts of French Guiana O Vanderhaeghe, P Ledru, D Thiéblemont, E Egal, A Cocherie, M Tegyey, ... Precambrian Research 92 (2), 165-193, 1998 | 158 | 1998 |
Evolution of nappes in the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif: a kinematic interpretation K Schulmann, P Ledru, A Autran, R Melka, JM Lardeaux, M Urban, ... Geologische Rundschau 80, 73-92, 1991 | 148 | 1991 |
The Flamanville granite (northwest France): an unequivocal example of a syntectonically expanding pluton JP Brun, D Gapais, JP Cogne, P Ledru, JL Vigneresse Geological Journal 25 (3‐4), 271-286, 1990 | 142 | 1990 |
The metallogenic relationship between Birimian and Tarkwaian gold deposits in Ghana JP Milési, P Ledru, P Ankrah, V Johan, E Marcoux, C Vinchon Mineralium Deposita 26, 228-238, 1991 | 137 | 1991 |
Variscan tectonics U Kroner, JL Mansy, S Mazur, P Aleksandrowski, HP Hann, H Huckriede, ... | 136 | 2008 |
Transcurrent tectonics and polycyclic evolution in the Lower Proterozoic of Senegal-Mali P Ledru, J Pons, JP Milési, JL Feybesse, V Johan Precambrian Research 50 (3-4), 337-354, 1991 | 134 | 1991 |
5: Late Variscan mineralizing systems related to orogenic processes: The French Massif Central V Bouchot, P Ledru, C Lerouge, JL Lescuyer, JP Milesi Ore Geology Reviews 27 (1-4), 169-197, 2005 | 131 | 2005 |
Metamorphism during late orogenic extension; insights from the French Variscan belt V Gardien, JM Lardeaux, P Ledru, P Allemand, S Guillot Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 168 (3), 271-286, 1997 | 118 | 1997 |
Timing of exhumation of the Ereendavaa metamorphic core complex (north-eastern Mongolia)–U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar constraints Y Daoudene, G Ruffet, A Cocherie, P Ledru, D Gapais Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 62, 98-116, 2013 | 107 | 2013 |
The Ereendavaa Range (north-eastern Mongolia): an additional argument for Mesozoic extension throughout eastern Asia Y Daoudene, D Gapais, P Ledru, A Cocherie, S Hocquet, TV Donskaya International Journal of Earth Sciences 98 (6), 1381-1393, 2009 | 100 | 2009 |
Classifying airborne radiometry data with Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering: A tool for geological mapping in context of rainforest (French Guiana) G Martelet, C Truffert, B Tourlière, P Ledru, J Perrin International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 8 (3 …, 2006 | 85 | 2006 |