Evidence for a new phase of dense hydrogen above 325 gigapascals P Dalladay-Simpson, RT Howie, E Gregoryanz
Nature 529 (7584), 63-67, 2016
313 2016 Mixed molecular and atomic phase of dense hydrogen RT Howie, CL Guillaume, T Scheler, AF Goncharov, E Gregoryanz
Physical Review Letters 108 (12), 125501, 2012
309 2012 Raman spectroscopy of hot hydrogen above 200 GPa RT Howie, P Dalladay-Simpson, E Gregoryanz
Nature materials 14 (5), 495-499, 2015
112 2015 Everything you always wanted to know about metallic hydrogen but were afraid to ask E Gregoryanz, C Ji, P Dalladay-Simpson, B Li, RT Howie, HK Mao
Matter and Radiation at Extremes 5 (3), 2020
92 2020 Structure and metallicity of phase V of hydrogen B Monserrat, ND Drummond, P Dalladay-Simpson, RT Howie, ...
Physical Review Letters 120 (25), 255701, 2018
88 2018 High-pressure synthesis and characterization of iridium trihydride T Scheler, M Marqués, Z Konôpková, CL Guillaume, RT Howie, ...
Physical review letters 111 (21), 215503, 2013
88 2013 Bonding, structures, and band gap closure of hydrogen at high pressures AF Goncharov, JS Tse, H Wang, J Yang, VV Struzhkin, RT Howie, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (2), 024101, 2013
81 2013 Proton tunneling in phase IV of hydrogen and deuterium RT Howie, T Scheler, CL Guillaume, E Gregoryanz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (21), 214104, 2012
78 2012 Comment on “Observation of the Wigner-Huntington transition to metallic hydrogen” XD Liu, P Dalladay-Simpson, RT Howie, B Li, E Gregoryanz
Science 357 (6353), eaan2286, 2017
74 2017 Hydrogenation of graphene by reaction at high pressure and high temperature D Smith, RT Howie, IF Crowe, CL Simionescu, C Muryn, V Vishnyakov, ...
ACS nano 9 (8), 8279-8283, 2015
60 2015 Superconducting binary hydrides: Theoretical predictions and experimental progresses G Gao, L Wang, M Li, J Zhang, RT Howie, E Gregoryanz, VV Struzhkin, ...
Materials Today Physics 21, 100546, 2021
59 2021 Optical and electronic properties of dense sodium M Marqués, M Santoro, CL Guillaume, FA Gorelli, J Contreras-García, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (18), 184106, 2011
59 2011 Phonon localization by mass disorder in dense hydrogen-deuterium binary alloy RT Howie, IB Magdău, AF Goncharov, GJ Ackland, E Gregoryanz
Physical review letters 113 (17), 175501, 2014
56 2014 High-pressure synthesis of lithium hydride RT Howie, O Narygina, CL Guillaume, S Evans, E Gregoryanz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (6), 064108, 2012
50 2012 Novel high-pressure nitrogen phase formed by compression at low temperature M Frost, RT Howie, P Dalladay-Simpson, AF Goncharov, E Gregoryanz
Physical Review B 93 (2), 024113, 2016
49 2016 Unusually complex phase of dense nitrogen at extreme conditions R Turnbull, M Hanfland, J Binns, M Martinez-Canales, M Frost, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4717, 2018
42 2018 Crossover between liquidlike and gaslike behavior in at 400 K D Smith, MA Hakeem, P Parisiades, HE Maynard-Casely, D Foster, ...
Physical Review E 96 (5), 052113, 2017
42 2017 Hydrogen (deuterium) vibron frequency as a pressure comparison gauge at multi-Mbar pressures RT Howie, E Gregoryanz, AF Goncharov
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (7), 2013
40 2013 Nanocrystalline tungsten hydrides at high pressures T Scheler, F Peng, CL Guillaume, RT Howie, Y Ma, E Gregoryanz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (18), 184117, 2013
40 2013 Direct reaction between copper and nitrogen at high pressures and temperatures J Binns, ME Donnelly, M Peña-Alvarez, M Wang, E Gregoryanz, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (5), 1109-1114, 2019
37 2019