Cristiano Nisoli
Cristiano Nisoli
Підтверджена електронна адреса в lanl.gov - Домашня сторінка
Artificial 'spin ice' in a geometrically frustrated lattice of nanoscale ferromagnetic islands
RF Wang, C Nisoli, RS Freitas, J Li, W McConville, BJ Cooley, MS Lund, ...
Nature 439 (7074), 303-306, 2006
Colloquium: Artificial spin ice: Designing and imaging magnetic frustration
C Nisoli, R Moessner, P Schiffer
Reviews of Modern Physics 85 (4), 1473-1490, 2013
Crystallites of magnetic charges in artificial spin ice
S Zhang, I Gilbert, C Nisoli, GW Chern, MJ Erickson, L O’brien, C Leighton, ...
Nature 500 (7464), 553-557, 2013
Emergent ice rule and magnetic charge screening from vertex frustration in artificial spin ice
I Gilbert, GW Chern, S Zhang, L O’Brien, B Fore, C Nisoli, P Schiffer
Nature Physics 10 (9), 670-675, 2014
Ground state lost but degeneracy found: The effective thermodynamics of artificial spin ice
C Nisoli, R Wang, J Li, WF McConville, PE Lammert, P Schiffer, VH Crespi
Physical review letters 98 (21), 217203, 2007
Energy minimization and ac demagnetization in a nanomagnet array
X Ke, J Li, C Nisoli, PE Lammert, W McConville, RF Wang, VH Crespi, ...
Physical review letters 101 (3), 037205, 2008
Effective Temperature in an Interacting Vertex System:<? format?> Theory and Experiment on Artificial Spin Ice
C Nisoli, J Li, X Ke, D Garand, P Schiffer, VH Crespi
Physical review letters 105 (4), 047205, 2010
Demagnetization protocols for frustrated interacting nanomagnet arrays
RF Wang, J Li, W McConville, C Nisoli, X Ke, JW Freeland, V Rose, ...
Journal of applied physics 101 (9), 2007
Unhappy vertices in artificial spin ice: new degeneracies from vertex frustration
MJ Morrison, TR Nelson, C Nisoli
New Journal of Physics 15 (4), 045009, 2013
Chemically doped double-walled carbon nanotubes: cylindrical molecular capacitors
G Chen, S Bandow, ER Margine, C Nisoli, AN Kolmogorov, VH Crespi, ...
Physical Review Letters 90 (25), 257403, 2003
Emergent reduced dimensionality by vertex frustration in artificial spin ice
I Gilbert, Y Lao, I Carrasquillo, L O’Brien, JD Watts, M Manno, C Leighton, ...
Nature Physics 12 (2), 162-165, 2016
Comparing artificial frustrated magnets by tuning the symmetry of nanoscale permalloy arrays
J Li, X Ke, S Zhang, D Garand, C Nisoli, P Lammert, VH Crespi, P Schiffer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (9), 092406, 2010
Deliberate exotic magnetism via frustration and topology
C Nisoli, V Kapaklis, P Schiffer
Nature Physics 13 (3), 200-203, 2017
Classical topological order in the kinetics of artificial spin ice
Y Lao, F Caravelli, M Sheikh, J Sklenar, D Gardeazabal, JD Watts, ...
Nature Physics 14 (7), 723-727, 2018
Degeneracy and criticality from emergent frustration in artificial spin ice
GW Chern, MJ Morrison, C Nisoli
Physical review letters 111 (17), 177201, 2013
Direct entropy determination and application to artificial spin ice
PE Lammert, X Ke, J Li, C Nisoli, DM Garand, VH Crespi, P Schiffer
Nature Physics 6 (10), 786-789, 2010
Perpendicular Magnetization and Generic Realization of the<? format?> Ising Model in Artificial Spin Ice
S Zhang, J Li, I Gilbert, J Bartell, MJ Erickson, Y Pan, PE Lammert, ...
Physical review letters 109 (8), 087201, 2012
Frustration by design
I Gilbert, C Nisoli, P Schiffer
Physics today 69 (7), 54-59, 2016
Realizing three-dimensional artificial spin ice by stacking planar nano-arrays
GW Chern, C Reichhardt, C Nisoli
Applied Physics Letters 104 (1), 2014
Colloquium: Ice rule and emergent frustration in particle ice and beyond
A Ortiz-Ambriz, C Nisoli, C Reichhardt, CJO Reichhardt, P Tierno
Reviews of Modern Physics 91 (4), 041003, 2019
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