Статті для всіх - Minoru NishidaДокладніше
Недоступно ніде: 4
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy analysis of silver-coated gold nanorods designed for bionanotechnology applications
F Watanabe, ZA Nima, T Honda, M Mitsuhara, M Nishida, AS Biris
Nanotechnology 28 (2), 025704, 2016
Мандати: US National Science Foundation
Tuning martensite transformation behavior and magneto-caloric effect in Ni44Mn36In14Co6 alloy through doping the fifth element Cu
ZN Zhou, H Akamine, J Li, L Yang, T Higashizono, QD Hu, M Nishida, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 817, 153150, 2020
Мандати: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The effect of thermal cycling on the martensitic transformation in equiatomic CuZr shape memory alloy
CA Biffi, M Coduri, H Yoshida, Y Soejima, M Nishida, A Tuissi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 653, 591-595, 2015
Мандати: Government of Italy
FIB/SEM applied to quantitative 3D analysis of precipitates in Ni-Ti
SS Cao, M Nishida, D Schryvers
Solid State Phenomena 172, 1284-1289, 2011
Мандати: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Доступно в інших місцях: 9
Quantitative three-dimensional analysis of Ni4Ti3 precipitate morphology and distribution in polycrystalline Ni–Ti
S Cao, M Nishida, D Schryvers
Acta Materialia 59 (4), 1780-1789, 2011
Мандати: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Superelasticity and shape memory behavior of NiTiHf alloys
H Sehitoglu, Y Wu, L Patriarca, G Li, A Ojha, S Zhang, Y Chumlyakov, ...
Shape Memory and Superelasticity 3, 168-187, 2017
Мандати: US National Science Foundation
Where and when are dislocations induced by thermal cycling in Ti–Ni shape memory alloys?
H Akamine, A Heima, Y Soejima, M Mitsuhara, T Inamura, M Nishida
Acta Materialia 244, 118588, 2023
Мандати: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Determination of the atomic width of an APB in ordered CoPt using quantified HAADF-STEM
H Akamine, KHW Van Den Bos, N Gauquelin, S Farjami, S Van Aert, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 644, 570-574, 2015
Мандати: Research Foundation (Flanders), European Commission
Triplet condition: A new condition of supercompatibility between martensitic phases
F Della Porta, A Heima, Y Shinohara, H Akamine, M Nishida, T Inamura
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 169, 105050, 2022
Мандати: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Hydrogen-induced phase with martensitic-like characteristics in Ti-Ni shape memory alloys
H Akamine, A Kalbekov, T Higashizono, M Matsuda, S Hata, M Nishida
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 965, 171470, 2023
Мандати: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Orientation Relationships in FeMnNiAl Governed by Martensitic Substructure
ASK Mohammed, R Sidharth, W Abuzaid, H Akamine, M Nishida, ...
Shape Memory and Superelasticity 9 (3), 473-484, 2023
Мандати: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Quantification by aberration corrected (S) TEM of boundaries formed by symmetry breaking phase transformations
D Schryvers, EKH Salje, M Nishida, A De Backer, H Idrissi, S Van Aert
Ultramicroscopy 176, 194-199, 2017
Мандати: Research Foundation (Flanders), UK Engineering and Physical Sciences …
3D FIB/SEM study of Ni4Ti3 precipitates in Ni-Ti alloys with different thermal-mechanical histories
S Cao, M Nishida, C Somsen, G Eggeler, D Schryvers
European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, 02004, 2009
Мандати: Research Foundation (Flanders)
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