Роман Сергеевич Волков
The influence of initial sizes and velocities of water droplets on transfer characteristics at high-temperature gas flow
RS Volkov, GV Kuznetsov, PA Strizhak
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 79, 838-845, 2014
Experimental investigation of mixtures and foreign inclusions in water droplets influence on integral characteristics of their evaporation during motion through high …
RS Volkov, GV Kuznetsov, PA Strizhak
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 88, 193-200, 2015
Water droplet deformation in gas stream: Impact of temperature difference between liquid and gas
RS Volkov, GV Kuznetsov, PA Strizhak
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 85, 1-11, 2015
Heating and evaporation of suspended water droplets: Experimental studies and modelling
PA Strizhak, RS Volkov, G Castanet, F Lemoine, O Rybdylova, SS Sazhin
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127, 92-106, 2018
Planar laser-induced fluorescence diagnostics of water droplets heating and evaporation at high-temperature
RS Volkov, PA Strizhak
Applied Thermal Engineering 127, 141-156, 2017
Unsteady temperature fields of evaporating water droplets exposed to conductive, convective and radiative heating
GV Kuznetsov, MV Piskunov, RS Volkov, PA Strizhak
Applied Thermal Engineering 131, 340-355, 2018
Integral characteristics of water droplet evaporation in high-temperature combustion products of typical flammable liquids using SP and IPI methods
GV Kuznetsov, PA Strizhak, RS Volkov, OV Vysokomornaya
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 108, 218-234, 2016
Research of temperature fields and convection velocities in evaporating water droplets using Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Particle Image Velocimetry
RS Volkov, PA Strizhak
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 97, 392-407, 2018
Experimental study of the change in the mass of water droplets in their motion through high-temperature combustion products
RS Volkov, OV Vysokomornaya, GV Kuznestov, PA Strizhak
Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 86, 1413-1418, 2013
Численная оценка оптимальных размеров капель воды в условиях ее распыления средствами пожаротушения в помещениях
РС Волков, ГВ Кузнецов, ПА Стрижак
Пожаровзрывобезопасность 21 (5), 74-78, 2012
The influence of the surface microtexture on wettability properties and drop evaporation
SY Misyura, GV Kuznetsov, DV Feoktistov, RS Volkov, VS Morozov, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 375, 458-467, 2019
The role of convection in gas and liquid phases at droplet evaporation
PA Strizhak, RS Volkov, SY Misyura, SI Lezhnin, VS Morozov
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 134, 421-439, 2018
Influence of droplet concentration on evaporation in a high-temperature gas
RS Volkov, GV Kuznetsov, PA Strizhak
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 96, 20-28, 2016
Using Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence to explore the mechanism of the explosive disintegration of water emulsion droplets exposed to intense heating
RS Volkov, PA Strizhak
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 127, 126-141, 2018
Marangoni flow and free convection during crystallization of a salt solution droplet
GV Kuznetsov, SY Misyura, RS Volkov, VS Morozov
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 572, 37-46, 2019
The influence of key factors on the heat and mass transfer of a sessile droplet
RS Volkov, PA Strizhak, SY Misyura, SI Lezhnin, VS Morozov
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 99, 59-70, 2018
The influence of key parameters on combustion of double gas hydrate
SY Misyura, AY Manakov, VS Morozov, GS Nyashina, OS Gaidukova, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 80, 103396, 2020
Influence of the initial parameters of spray water on its motion through a counter flow of high-temperature gases
RS Volkov, GV Kuznetsov, PA Strizhak
Technical Physics 59, 959-967, 2014
Interaction of two drops at different temperatures: The role of thermocapillary convection and surfactant
SY Misyura, RS Volkov, AS Filatova
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 559, 275-283, 2018
Evaporation, boiling and explosive breakup of oil–water emulsion drops under intense radiant heating
PA Strizhak, MV Piskunov, RS Volkov, JC Legros
Chemical engineering research and design 127, 72-80, 2017
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