Anna Nosova
Anna Nosova
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Підтверджена електронна адреса в igem.ru
The U–Pb zircon and baddeleyite ages of the Neoproterozoic Volyn Large Igneous Province: implication for the age of the magmatism and the nature of a crustal contaminant
L Shumlyanskyy, A Nosova, K Billström, U Söderlund, PG Andréasson, ...
Gff 138 (1), 17-30, 2016
Minor elements in clinopyroxene from Paleozoic volcanics of the Tagil island arc in the Central Urals
AA Nosova, VV Narkisova, LV Sazonova, SG Simakin
Geochemistry international 40 (3), 219-232, 2002
Sheared peridotite xenolith from the V. Grib kimberlite pipe, Arkhangelsk Diamond Province, Russia: Texture, composition, and origin
AV Kargin, LV Sazonova, AA Nosova, VA Pervov, EV Minevrina, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 8 (4), 653-669, 2017
Composition of garnet and clinopyroxene in peridotite xenoliths from the Grib kimberlite pipe, Arkhangelsk diamond province, Russia: Evidence for mantle metasomatism associated …
AV Kargin, LV Sazonova, AA Nosova, VV Tretyachenko
Lithos 262, 442-455, 2016
Olivine in ultramafic lamprophyres: chemistry, crystallisation, and melt sources of Siberian Pre-and post-trap aillikites
AA Nosova, LV Sazonova, AV Kargin, MD Smirnova, AV Lapin, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 1-27, 2018
Cr-rich clinopyroxene megacrysts from the Grib kimberlite, Arkhangelsk province, Russia: relation to clinopyroxene–phlogopite xenoliths and evidence for mantle metasomatism by …
AV Kargin, LV Sazonova, AA Nosova, NM Lebedeva, VV Tretyachenko, ...
Lithos 292, 34-48, 2017
Phlogopite in mantle xenoliths and kimberlite from the Grib pipe, Arkhangelsk province, Russia: Evidence for multi-stage mantle metasomatism and origin of phlogopite in kimberlite
AV Kargin, LV Sazonova, AA Nosova, NM Lebedeva, YA Kostitsyn, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 10 (5), 1941-1959, 2019
Kimberlite age in the Arkhangelsk Province, Russia: Isotopic geochronologic Rb–Sr and 40Ar/39Ar and mineralogical data on phlogopite
YO Larionova, LV Sazonova, NM Lebedeva, AA Nosova, ...
Petrology 24, 562-593, 2016
Neoproterozoic Volhynia-Brest magmatic province in the western East European craton: Within-plate magmatism in an ancient suture zone
AA Nosova, OF Kuz’menkova, NV Veretennikov, LG Petrova, LK Levsky
Petrology 16, 105-135, 2008
Kimberlites and lamproites of the East European Platform: petrology and geochemistry
OA Bogatikov, VA Kononova, AA Nosova, IA Kondrashov
Petrology 15, 315-334, 2007
Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic systematic and geochronology of ultramafic alkaline magmatism of the southwestern margin of the Siberian Craton: Metasomatism of the sub-continental …
AA Nosova, AV Kargin, LV Sazonova, EO Dubinina, AV Chugaev, ...
Lithos 364, 105509, 2020
Olivine from the Pionerskaya and V. Grib kimberlite pipes, Arkhangelsk diamond province, Russia: types, composition, and origin
LV Sazonova, AA Nosova, AV Kargin, SE Borisovskiy, VV Tretyachenko, ...
Petrology 23, 227-258, 2015
Mesoproterozoic orangeites (Kimberlites II) of West Karelia: mineralogy, geochemistry, and Sr-Nd isotope composition
AV Kargin, AA Nosova, YO Larionova, VA Kononova, SE Borisovsky, ...
Petrology 22, 151-183, 2014
Mg-ilmenite megacrysts from the Arkhangelsk kimberlites, Russia: genesis and interaction with kimberlite melt and postkimberlite fluid
AB Golubkova, AA Nosova, YO Larionova
Geochemistry International 51 (5), 353-381, 2013
Petrology of lamprophyre dykes in the Kola Alkaline Carbonatite Province (N Europe)
AA Nosova, MG Kopylova, LV Sazonova, AA Vozniak, AV Kargin, ...
Lithos 398, 106277, 2021
Devonian ultramafic lamprophyre in the Irkineeva–Chadobets trough in the southwest of the Siberian Platform: Age, composition, and implications for diamond potential prediction
AV Kargin, AA Nosova, AV Postnikov, AV Chugaev, OV Postnikova, ...
Geology of Ore Deposits 58, 383-403, 2016
Petrology and correlation of trap formations of the Vendian in the adjacent areas of Belarus and Ukraine
OF Kuzmenkova, LV Shumlyanskyy, AA Nosova, TV Voskoboynikova, ...
Litasfiera [Lithosphere] 35, 3-11, 2011
Sutures in the Early Precambrian crust as a factor responsible for localization of diamondiferous kimberlites in the northern East European Platform
AV Samsonov, VV Tretyachenko, AA Nosova, YO Larionova, ...
International Kimberlite Conference: Extended Abstracts 10, 2012
Collisional sutures in the Early Precambrian crust as a factor responsible for localization of diamondiferous kimberlites in the northern East European Platform
AV Samsonov, AA Nosova, VV Tretyachenko, VA Larchenko, ...
Doklady Earth Sciences 425 (1), 226, 2009
Mesoproterozoic within-plate igneous province of the western urals: Main petrogenetic rock types and their origin
AA Nosova, LV Sazonova, AV Kargin, YO Larionova, VM Gorozhanin, ...
Petrology 20, 356-390, 2012
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