Bohdan N. Mordyuk
Bohdan N. Mordyuk
Department of physical principles for surface engineering, G.V.Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics
Підтверджена електронна адреса в imp.kiev.ua
Ultrasonic impact peening for the surface properties’ management
BN Mordyuk, GI Prokopenko
Journal of Sound and Vibration 308 (3-5), 855-866, 2007
Effect of structure evolution induced by ultrasonic peening on the corrosion behavior of AISI-321 stainless steel
BN Mordyuk, GI Prokopenko, MA Vasylyev, MO Iefimov
Materials Science and Engineering: A 458 (1-2), 253-261, 2007
Post-processing of the Inconel 718 alloy parts fabricated by selective laser melting: Effects of mechanical surface treatments on surface topography, porosity, hardness and …
DA Lesyk, S Martinez, BN Mordyuk, VV Dzhemelinskyi, А Lamikiz, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 381, 125136, 2020
Characterization of ultrasonically peened and laser-shock peened surface layers of AISI 321 stainless steel
BN Mordyuk, YV Milman, MO Iefimov, GI Prokopenko, VV Silberschmidt, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 202 (19), 4875-4883, 2008
Enhanced fatigue behavior of powder metallurgy Ti–6Al–4V alloy by applying ultrasonic impact treatment
AI Dekhtyar, BN Mordyuk, DG Savvakin, VI Bondarchuk, IV Moiseeva, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 641, 348-359, 2015
Fatigue life improvement of α-titanium by novel ultrasonically assisted technique
BN Mordyuk, GI Prokopenko
Materials Science and Engineering: A 437 (2), 396-405, 2006
Ultrafine-grained textured surface layer on Zr–1% Nb alloy produced by ultrasonic impact peening for enhanced corrosion resistance
BN Mordyuk, OP Karasevskaya, GI Prokopenko, NI Khripta
Surface and Coatings Technology 210, 54-61, 2012
Structurally induced enhancement in corrosion resistance of Zr–2.5% Nb alloy in saline solution by applying ultrasonic impact peening
BN Mordyuk, OP Karasevskaya, GI Prokopenko
Materials Science and Engineering: A 559, 453-461, 2013
Microstructure related enhancement in wear resistance of tool steel AISI D2 by applying laser heat treatment followed by ultrasonic impact treatment
DA Lesyk, S Martinez, BN Mordyuk, VV Dzhemelinskyi, А Lamikiz, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 328, 344-354, 2017
Enhanced fatigue durability of Al–6Mg alloy by applying ultrasonic impact peening: Effects of surface hardening and reinforcement with AlCuFe quasicrystalline particles
BN Mordyuk, GI Prokopenko, YV Milman, MO Iefimov, AV Sameljuk
Materials Science and Engineering: A 563, 138-146, 2013
Improved fatigue behavior of low-carbon steel 20GL by applying ultrasonic impact treatment combined with the electric discharge surface alloying
BN Mordyuk, GI Prokopenko, PYu Volosevych, LE Matokhnyuk, AV Byalonovich, TV ...
Materials Science and Engineering A 659, 119–129, 2016
Wear assessment of composite surface layers in Al–6Mg alloy reinforced with AlCuFe quasicrystalline particles: Effects of particle size, microstructure and hardness
BN Mordyuk, GI Prokopenko, YV Milman, MO Iefimov, KE Grinkevych, ...
Wear 319 (1-2), 84-95, 2014
Structure, microhardness and damping characteristics of Al matrix composite reinforced with AlCuFe or Ti using ultrasonic impact peening
BN Mordyuk, MO Iefimov, GI Prokopenko, TV Golub, MI Danylenko
Surface and Coatings Technology 204 (9-10), 1590-1598, 2010
Effects of laser heat treatment combined with ultrasonic impact treatment on the surface topography and hardness of carbon steel AISI 1045
DA Lesyk, S Martinez, BN Mordyuk, VV Dzhemelinskyi, A Lamikiz, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 111, 424-438, 2019
Surface microrelief and hardness of laser hardened and ultrasonically peened AISI D2 tool steel
D.A. Lesyk, S. Martinez, V.V. Dzhemelinskyy, А. Lamikiz, B.N. Mordyuk, G.I ...
Surface & Coatings Technology 278, 108-120, 2015
Influence of microstructural features and deformation-induced martensite on hardening of stainless steel by cryogenic ultrasonic impact treatment
MA Vasylyev, BN Mordyuk, SI Sidorenko, SM Voloshko, AP Burmak
Surface and Coatings Technology 343, 57-68, 2018
Influence of microstructural modifications induced by ultrasonic impact treatment on hardening and corrosion behavior of wrought Co-Cr-Mo biomedical alloy
YN Petrov, GI Prokopenko, BN Mordyuk, MA Vasylyev, SM Voloshko, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 58, 1024-1035, 2016
Combining laser transformation hardening and ultrasonic impact strain hardening for enhanced wear resistance of AISI 1045 steel
DA Lesyk, S Martinez, BN Mordyuk, VV Dzhemelinskyi, А Lamikiz, ...
Wear 462, 203494, 2020
Influence of combined laser heat treatment and ultrasonic impact treatment on microstructure and corrosion behavior of AISI 1045 steel
DA Lesyk, BN Mordyuk, S Martinez, MO Iefimov, VV Dzhemelinskyi, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 401, 126275, 2020
Surface Shot Peening Post-processing of Inconel 718 Alloy Parts Printed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
DA Lesyk, VV Dzhemelinskyi, S Martinez, BN Mordyuk, A Lamikiz
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30 (9), 6982-6995, 2021
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