Status and ecological effects of the world’s largest carnivores WJ Ripple, JA Estes, RL Beschta, CC Wilmers, EG Ritchie, ... Science 343 (6167), 1241484, 2014 | 3886 | 2014 |
Extreme climatic events shape arid and semiarid ecosystems M Holmgren, P Stapp, CR Dickman, C Gracia, S Graham, JR Gutiérrez, ... Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4 (2), 87-95, 2006 | 564 | 2006 |
Biological responses to the press and pulse of climate trends and extreme events RMB Harris, LJ Beaumont, TR Vance, CR Tozer, TA Remenyi, ... Nature climate change 8 (7), 579-587, 2018 | 545 | 2018 |
Ecosystem restoration with teeth: what role for predators? EG Ritchie, B Elmhagen, AS Glen, M Letnic, G Ludwig, RA McDonald Trends in ecology & evolution 27 (5), 265-271, 2012 | 475 | 2012 |
Ecosystem structure, function, and composition in rangelands are negatively affected by livestock grazing DJ Eldridge, AGB Poore, M Ruiz‐Colmenero, M Letnic, S Soliveres Ecological Applications 26 (4), 1273-1283, 2016 | 395 | 2016 |
Top predators as biodiversity regulators: the dingo Canis lupus dingo as a case study M Letnic, EG Ritchie, CR Dickman Biological Reviews 87 (2), 390-413, 2012 | 394 | 2012 |
Saving the world's terrestrial megafauna WJ Ripple, G Chapron, JV López-Bao, SM Durant, DW Macdonald, ... BioScience 66 (10), 807-812, 2016 | 280 | 2016 |
Keystone effects of an alien top-predator stem extinctions of native mammals M Letnic, F Koch, C Gordon, MS Crowther, CR Dickman Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1671), 3249-3256, 2009 | 277 | 2009 |
The responses of mammals to La Nina (El Nino Southern Oscillation)–associated rainfall, predation, and wildfire in central Australia M Letnic, B Tamayo, CR Dickman Journal of mammalogy 86 (4), 689-703, 2005 | 258 | 2005 |
The responses of small mammals and lizards to post-fire succession and rainfall in arid Australia M Letnic, CR Dickman, MK Tischler, B Tamayo, CL Beh Journal of Arid Environments 59 (1), 85-114, 2004 | 233 | 2004 |
Widespread mesopredator effects after wolf extirpation WJ Ripple, AJ Wirsing, CC Wilmers, M Letnic Biological Conservation 160, 70-79, 2013 | 232 | 2013 |
Invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) cause mass mortality of freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni) in tropical Australia M Letnic, JK Webb, R Shine Biological Conservation 141 (7), 1773-1782, 2008 | 231 | 2008 |
Boom means bust: interactions between the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), rainfall and the processes threatening mammal species in arid Australia M Letnic, CR Dickman Biodiversity & Conservation 15, 3847-3880, 2006 | 224 | 2006 |
Resource pulses and mammalian dynamics: conceptual models for hummock grasslands and other Australian desert habitats M Letnic, CR Dickman Biological Reviews 85 (3), 501-521, 2010 | 214 | 2010 |
Burning for biodiversity or burning biodiversity? Prescribed burn vs. wildfire impacts on plants, lizards, and mammals LA Pastro, CR Dickman, M Letnic Ecological Applications 21 (8), 3238-3253, 2011 | 209 | 2011 |
Havens for threatened Australian mammals: the contributions of fenced areas and offshore islands to the protection of mammal species susceptible to introduced predators S Legge, JCZ Woinarski, AA Burbidge, R Palmer, J Ringma, JQ Radford, ... Wildlife Research 45 (7), 627-644, 2018 | 190 | 2018 |
Top predators constrain mesopredator distributions TM Newsome, AC Greenville, D Ćirović, CR Dickman, CN Johnson, ... Nature communications 8 (1), 15469, 2017 | 178 | 2017 |
The current decline of tropical marsupials in A ustralia: is history repeating? DO Fisher, CN Johnson, MJ Lawes, SA Fritz, H McCallum, SP Blomberg, ... Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (2), 181-190, 2014 | 161 | 2014 |
Population dynamics of three species of dasyurid marsupials in arid central Australia: a 10-year study CR Dickman, AS Haythornthwaite, GH McNaught, PS Mahon, B Tamayo, ... Wildlife Research 28 (5), 493-506, 2001 | 157 | 2001 |
Does a top‐predator provide an endangered rodent with refuge from an invasive mesopredator? M Letnic, MS Crowther, F Koch Animal Conservation 12 (4), 302-312, 2009 | 146 | 2009 |