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Hannah J. Penn
Hannah J. Penn
USDA ARS Sugarcane Research Unit
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Alıntı yapanlar
Feeding of Riptortus pedestris on soybean plants, the primary cause of soybean staygreen syndrome in the Huang-Huai-Hai river basin
K Li, X Zhang, J Guo, H Penn, T Wu, L Li, H Jiang, L Chang, C Wu, T Han
The Crop Journal 7 (3), 360-367, 2019
From dispersal to predation: A global synthesis of ant–seed interactions
HJ Penn, TO Crist
Ecology and evolution 8 (18), 9122-9138, 2018
Spring forward: molecular detection of early season predation in agroecosystems
KJ Athey, J Dreyer, KA Kowles, HJ Penn, MI Sitvarin, JD Harwood
Food Webs 9, 25-31, 2016
Support for solitary bee conservation among the public versus beekeepers
J Penn, W Hu, HJ Penn
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101 (5), 1386-1400, 2019
Public knowledge of monarchs and support for butterfly conservation
J Penn, H Penn, W Hu
Sustainability 10 (3), 807, 2018
Land cover diversity increases predator aggregation and consumption of prey
HJ Penn, KJ Athey, BD Lee
Ecology Letters 20 (5), 609-618, 2017
Imidacloprid seed treatments affect individual ant behavior and community structure but not egg predation, pest abundance or soybean yield
HJ Penn, AM Dale
Pest Management Science 73 (8), 1625-1632, 2017
Wooded field margins increase potential for cultural and biological control of soybean pests
HJ Penn
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 255, 45-51, 2018
Overcoming PCR inhibition during DNA-based gut content analysis of ants
HJ Penn, EG Chapman, JD Harwood
Environmental Entomology 45 (5), 1255-1261, 2016
Host genotype and tissue type determine DWV infection intensity
HJ Penn, M Simone-Finstrom, S Lang, J Chen, K Healy
Frontiers in Insect Science 1, 756690, 2021
Bed bugs and hotels: traveler insights and implications for the industry
JM Penn, HJ Penn, MF Potter, W Hu
American Entomologist 63 (2), 79-88, 2017
Honey Bee Genetic Stock Determines Deformed Wing Virus Symptom Severity but not Viral Load or Dissemination Following Pupal Exposure
HJ Penn, MD Simone-Finstrom, Y Chen, KB Healy
Frontiers in Genetics 13, 939290, 2022
Resistance to the Sugarcane Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Louisiana Sugarcane Cultivars
HJP Leonardo D Salgado, Blake E Wilson, James M Villegas, Randy T Richard
Environmental Entomology, 2021
Kentucky soybean farmers’ supportiveness of two integrated pest and pollinator management tactics
HJ Penn, J Penn, M Cunningham-Minnick, W Hu
Journal of Integrated Pest Management 12 (1), 12, 2021
Tree canopy cover and elevation affect the distribution of red harvester ant nests in a peri-urban setting
LV Elliott-Vidaurri, I Martinez, E Pereira, HJ Penn, RA Choudhury
Environmental entomology 52 (3), 510-520, 2023
Viral species differentially influence macronutrient preferences based on honey bee genotype
HJ Penn, MD Simone-Finstrom, LI De Guzman, PG Tokarz, R Dickens
Biology Open 11 (10), bio059039, 2022
Characterization of resistance to the Mexican rice borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) among sugarcane cultivars
LD Salgado, BE Wilson, HJ Penn, RT Richard, MO Way
Insects 13 (10), 890, 2022
Colony-level viral load influences collective foraging in honey bees
HJ Penn, MD Simone-Finstrom, LI de Guzman, PG Tokarz, R Dickens
Frontiers in Insect Science 2, 894482, 2022
Red Harvester Ant (Pogonomyrmex barbatus F. Smith; Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Preference for Cover Crop Seeds in South Texas
LV Elliott-Vidaurri, D Rivera, A Noval, RA Choudhury, HJ Penn
Agronomy 12 (5), 1099, 2022
The buzz about bee campuses: Student thoughts regarding pollinator conservation
H Penn, J Penn, M Hagan, W Hu
American Entomologist 66 (4), 54-61, 2020
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