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Audrey L. Jones
Audrey L. Jones
VA Salt Lake City Health Care System
va.gov üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Perceived discrimination in health care and mental health/substance abuse treatment among Blacks, Latinos, and Whites
VM Mays, AL Jones, A Delany-Brumsey, C Coles, SD Cochran
Medical care 55 (2), 173-181, 2017
Depression treatment preferences after traumatic brain injury
JR Fann, AL Jones, SS Dikmen, NR Temkin, PC Esselman, ...
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation 24 (4), 272-278, 2009
Usual primary care provider characteristics of a patient-centered medical home and mental health service use
AL Jones, SD Cochran, A Leibowitz, KB Wells, G Kominski, VM Mays
Journal of general internal medicine 30, 1828-1836, 2015
A national evaluation of homeless and nonhomeless veterans’ experiences with primary care.
AL Jones, LRM Hausmann, GL Haas, MK Mor, JP Cashy, JH Schaefer Jr, ...
Psychological services 14 (2), 174, 2017
Racial/ethnic differences in primary care experiences in patient-centered medical homes among veterans with mental health and substance use disorders
AL Jones, MK Mor, JP Cashy, AJ Gordon, GL Haas, JH Schaefer, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 31, 1435-1443, 2016
Racial, Ethnic, and Nativity Differences in Mental Health Visits to Primary Care and Specialty Mental Health Providers: Analysis of the Medical Expenditures Panel Survey, 2010–2015
AL Jones, SD Cochran, A Leibowitz, KB Wells, G Kominski, VM Mays
Healthcare 6 (2), 29, 2018
Providing positive primary care experiences for homeless veterans through tailored medical homes: the veterans health administration’s homeless patient aligned care teams
AL Jones, LRM Hausmann, SG Kertesz, Y Suo, JP Cashy, MK Mor, ...
Medical care 57 (4), 270-278, 2019
Chronicity and Mental Health Service Utilization for Anxiety, Mood, and Substance Use Disorders among Black Men in the United States; Ethnicity and Nativity Differences
VM Mays, AL Jones, SD Cochran, RJ Taylor, J Rafferty, JS Jackson
Healthcare 6 (2), 53, 2018
Are x‐waiver trainings enough? Facilitators and barriers to buprenorphine prescribing after x‐waiver trainings
AJ Gordon, M Kenny, M Dungan, AM Gustavson, AT Kelley, AL Jones, ...
The American Journal on Addictions 31 (2), 152-158, 2022
Identifying healthcare experiences associated with perceptions of racial/ethnic discrimination among veterans with pain: A cross-sectional mixed methods survey
LRM Hausmann, AL Jones, SE McInnes, SL Zickmund
PloS one 15 (9), e0237650, 2020
Comparison of patient experience between primary care settings tailored for homeless clientele and mainstream care settings
SG Kertesz, AJ deRussy, Y Kim, AE Hoge, EL Austin, AJ Gordon, ...
Medical care 59 (6), 495-503, 2021
Prevalence of and Risk Factors Associated With Nonfatal Overdose Among Veterans Who Have Experienced Homelessness
KR Riggs, AE Hoge, AJ DeRussy, AE Montgomery, SK Holmes, EL Austin, ...
JAMA Network Open 3 (3), e201190-e201190, 2020
Racial, ethnic, and gender equity in veteran satisfaction with health care in the Veterans Affairs health care system
SL Zickmund, KH Burkitt, S Gao, RA Stone, AL Jones, LRM Hausmann, ...
Journal of General Internal Medicine 33, 305-331, 2018
Prevalence, Severity and Burden of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Black Men and Women Across the Adult Life span
AL Jones, J Rafferty, SD Cochran, J Abelson, MR Hanna, VM Mays
Journal of Aging and Health 34 (3), 401-412, 2022
ReHouSED: A novel measurement of Veteran housing stability using natural language processing
AB Chapman, A Jones, AT Kelley, B Jones, L Gawron, AE Montgomery, ...
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 122, 103903, 2021
Lifetime and Twelve-Month Prevalence, Persistence, and Unmet Treatment Needs of Mood, Anxiety, and Substance Use Disorders in African American and US versus Foreign-Born …
AL Jones, SD Cochran, J Rafferty, RJ Taylor, VM Mays
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (19), 7007, 2020
Enhancing Primary Care Experiences for Homeless Patients with Serious Mental Illness: Results from a National Survey
S Gabrielian, AL Jones, AE Hoge, AJ deRussy, Y Kim, AE Montgomery, ...
Journal of Primary Care & Community Health 12, 2150132721993654, 2021
Differences in experiences with care between homeless and nonhomeless patients in veterans affairs facilities with tailored and nontailored primary care teams
AL Jones, LRM Hausmann, S Kertesz, Y Suo, JP Cashy, MK Mor, ...
Medical Care 56 (7), 610-618, 2018
Patient-centered quality measurement for opioid use disorder: Development of a taxonomy to address gaps in research and practice
AT Kelley, MA Incze, JD Baylis, SG Calder, SJ Weiner, SL Zickmund, ...
Substance Abuse 43 (1), 1286-1299, 2022
Veteran satisfaction with early experiences of health care through the Veterans Choice Program: a concurrent mixed methods study
AL Jones, MJ Fine, RA Stone, S Gao, LRM Hausmann, KH Burkitt, ...
Journal of General Internal Medicine 34, 1925-1933, 2019
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