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Bommer J
Bommer J
imperial.ac.uk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Prediction of horizontal response spectra in Europe
NN Ambraseys, KA Simpson, JJ Bommer
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 25 (4), 371-400, 1996
Empirical equations for the prediction of PGA, PGV, and spectral accelerations in Europe, the Mediterranean region, and the Middle East
S Akkar, JJ Bommer
Seismological Research Letters 81 (2), 195-206, 2010
Processing of strong-motion accelerograms: needs, options and consequences
DM Boore, JJ Bommer
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 25 (2), 93-115, 2005
Induced seismicity associated with enhanced geothermal systems
EL Majer, R Baria, M Stark, S Oates, J Bommer, B Smith, H Asanuma
Geothermics 36 (3), 185-222, 2007
Development of seismic vulnerability assessment methodologies over the past 30 years
GM Calvi, R Pinho, G Magenes, JJ Bommer, LF Restrepo-Vélez, ...
ISET journal of Earthquake Technology 43 (3), 75-104, 2006
An improved method of matching response spectra of recorded earthquake ground motion using wavelets
J Hancock, J Watson-Lamprey, NA Abrahamson, JJ Bommer, A Markatis, ...
Journal of earthquake engineering 10 (spec01), 67-89, 2006
The use of real earthquake accelerograms as input to dynamic analysis
JJ Bommer, AB Acevedo
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 8 (spec01), 43-91, 2004
The variability of ground-motion prediction models and its components
LA Atik, N Abrahamson, JJ Bommer, F Scherbaum, F Cotton, N Kuehn
Seismological Research Letters 81 (5), 794-801, 2010
Empirical ground-motion models for point-and extended-source crustal earthquake scenarios in Europe and the Middle East
S Akkar, MA Sandıkkaya, JJ Bommer
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 12, 359-387, 2014
Earthquake-induced landslides: 1980–1997
CE Rodrıguez, JJ Bommer, RJ Chandler
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (5), 325-346, 1999
The effective duration of earthquake strong motion
JJ Bommer, A Martínez-Pereira
Journal of earthquake engineering 3 (02), 127-172, 1999
Criteria for selecting and adjusting ground-motion models for specific target regions: Application to central Europe and rock sites
F Cotton, F Scherbaum, JJ Bommer, H Bungum
Journal of Seismology 10, 137-156, 2006
Why do modern probabilistic seismic-hazard analyses often lead to increased hazard estimates?
JJ Bommer, NA Abrahamson
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 96 (6), 1967-1977, 2006
On the use of logic trees for ground-motion prediction equations in seismic-hazard analysis
JJ Bommer, F Scherbaum, H Bungum, F Cotton, F Sabetta, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (2), 377-389, 2005
A probabilistic displacement-based vulnerability assessment procedure for earthquake loss estimation
H Crowley, R Pinho, JJ Bommer
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 2, 173-219, 2004
On the selection of ground-motion prediction equations for seismic hazard analysis
JJ Bommer, J Douglas, F Scherbaum, F Cotton, H Bungum, D Fah
Seismological Research Letters 81 (5), 783-793, 2010
Relationships between median values and between aleatory variabilities for different definitions of the horizontal component of motion
K Beyer, JJ Bommer
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 96 (4A), 1512-1522, 2006
Earthquake losses due to ground failure
JF Bird, JJ Bommer
Engineering geology 75 (2), 147-179, 2004
Control of hazard due to seismicity induced by a hot fractured rock geothermal project
JJ Bommer, S Oates, JM Cepeda, C Lindholm, J Bird, R Torres, ...
Engineering geology 83 (4), 287-306, 2006
Empirical equations for the prediction of the significant, bracketed, and uniform duration of earthquake ground motion
JJ Bommer, PJ Stafford, JE Alarcón
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 99 (6), 3217-3233, 2009
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