Takip et
Mohammad Fareed
Mohammad Fareed
Associate Professor at College of Medicine, Al Maarefa University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
um.edu.sa üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
T Vos, SS Lim, C Abbafati, KM Abbas, M Abbasi, M Abbasifard, ...
The lancet 396 (10258), 1204-1222, 2020
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic …
SL James, D Abate, KH Abate, SM Abay, C Abbafati, N Abbasi, ...
The Lancet 392 (10159), 1789-1858, 2018
Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories, 1980–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of …
GA Roth, D Abate, KH Abate, SM Abay, C Abbafati, N Abbasi, ...
The Lancet 392 (10159), 1736-1788, 2018
Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
CJL Murray, AY Aravkin, P Zheng, C Abbafati, KM Abbas, ...
The lancet 396 (10258), 1223-1249, 2020
Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and …
JD Stanaway, A Afshin, E Gakidou, SS Lim, D Abate, KH Abate, ...
The Lancet 392 (10159), 1923-1994, 2018
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the …
T Vos, AA Abajobir, KH Abate, C Abbafati, KM Abbas, F Abd-Allah, ...
The Lancet 390 (10100), 1211-1259, 2017
Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 359 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990 …
HH Kyu, D Abate, KH Abate, SM Abay, C Abbafati, N Abbasi, ...
The Lancet 392 (10159), 1859-1922, 2018
Global age-sex-specific fertility, mortality, healthy life expectancy (HALE), and population estimates in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2019: a comprehensive demographic …
H Wang, KM Abbas, M Abbasifard, M Abbasi-Kangevari, H Abbastabar, ...
The Lancet 396 (10258), 1160-1203, 2020
Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality and life expectancy, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
D Dicker, G Nguyen, D Abate, KH Abate, SM Abay, C Abbafati, N Abbasi, ...
The Lancet 392 (10159), 1684-1735, 2018
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic …
GBD Collaborators
University of Leicester, 2018
Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in …
AJ Ferrari, DF Santomauro, A Aali, YH Abate, C Abbafati, H Abbastabar, ...
The Lancet 403 (10440), 2133-2161, 2024
Measuring progress from 1990 to 2017 and projecting attainment to 2030 of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 195 countries and territories: a systematic …
R Lozano, N Fullman, D Abate, SM Abay, C Abbafati, N Abbasi, ...
The Lancet 392 (10159), 2091-2138, 2018
Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the …
M Naghavi, KL Ong, A Aali, HS Ababneh, YH Abate, C Abbafati, ...
The Lancet 403 (10440), 2100-2132, 2024
Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease …
M Brauer, GA Roth, AY Aravkin, P Zheng, KH Abate, YH Abate, C Abbafati, ...
The Lancet 403 (10440), 2162-2203, 2024
Population and fertility by age and sex for 195 countries and territories, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
CJL Murray, CSKH Callender, XR Kulikoff, V Srinivasan, D Abate, ...
The Lancet 392 (10159), 1995-2051, 2018
Mapping 123 million neonatal, infant and child deaths between 2000 and 2017
R Burstein, NJ Henry, ML Collison, LB Marczak, A Sligar, S Watson, ...
Nature 574 (7778), 353-358, 2019
Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022–2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
SE Vollset, HS Ababneh, YH Abate, C Abbafati, R Abbasgholizadeh, ...
The Lancet 403 (10440), 2204-2256, 2024
Mapping child growth failure across low-and middle-income countries
Nature 577 (7789), 231-234, 2020
Adverse health effects of pesticides in agrarian populations of developing countries
CN Kesavachandran, M Fareed, MK Pathak, V Bihari, N Mathur, ...
Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology Vol 200, 33-52, 2009
Mapping geographical inequalities in access to drinking water and sanitation facilities in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17
A Deshpande, MK Miller-Petrie, PA Lindstedt, MM Baumann, KB Johnson, ...
The Lancet Global Health 8 (9), e1162-e1185, 2020
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