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Liliia Turovska
Liliia Turovska
Diğer adlarТуровська Л.В., Liliya Turovska, Turovska L.V.
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
pnu.edu.ua üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
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Alıntı yapanlar
Кристалоквазіхімічні формули нестехіометричного плюмбум телуриду із складним спектром точкових дефектів і процеси самолегування
ВМ Бойчук, ОВ Ткачик, ЛВ Туровська, НІ Дикун
Фізика і хімія твердого тіла 8 (2), 366-373, 2007
Quasi-chemistry of intrinsic point defects in cadmium telluride thin films
T Mazur, V Prokopiv, L Turovska
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 671 (1), 85-89, 2018
Solution combustion synthesized NiFe2O4/reduced graphene oxide composite nanomaterials: morphology and electrical conductivity
VM Boychuk, RI Zapukhlyak, RG Abaszade, VO Kotsyubynsky, ...
Physics and Chemistry of Solid State 23 (4), 815-824, 2022
Correlation between structural properties and electrical conductivity of porous carbon derived from hemp bast fiber
V Kotsyubynsky, B Rachiy, V Boychuk, I Budzulyak, L Turovska, ...
Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 30 (8), 873-882, 2022
Structure and magnetic properties of hydrothermally synthesized CuFe2O4 and CuFe2O4/rGO composites
R Zapukhlyak, M Hodlevsky, V Boychuk, J Mazurenko, V Kotsyubynsky, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 587, 171208, 2023
Synthesis and properties of silicon carbide
LM Soltys, IF Mironyuk, IM Mykytyn, ID Hnylytsia, LV Turovska
Physics and Chemistry of Solid State 24 (1), 5-16, 2023
Electrical properties of CdTe< Ca> thin layers
VV Prokopiv, OB Kostyuk, BS Dzundza, TM Mazur, LV Turovska, ...
Physics and chemistry of solid state 20 (4), 372-375, 2019
Principles of construction of hybrid microsystems for biomedical applications
BS Dzundza, IT Kohut, VI Holota, LV Turovska, MV Deichakivskyi
Physics and Chemistry of Solid State 23 (4), 776-784, 2022
Thermoelectric materials based on samples of microdispersed PbTe and CdTe
V Prokopiv, I Horichok, T Mazur, O Matkivsky, L Turovska
2018 IEEE 8th International Conference Nanomaterials: Application …, 2018
Point defects and physico-chemical properties of crystals in Pb-Bi-Te system
D Freik, L Turovska
Chemistry & Chemical Technology, 375-380, 2013
Investigation of the chemical and radiation stability of titanium dioxide with surface arsenate groups during 90Sr adsorption
I Mironyuk, A Kaglyan, H Vasylyeva, I Mykytyn, D Gudkov, L Turovska
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 251, 106974, 2022
Quasichemical modeling of defect subsystem of tin telluride crystals
VV Prokopiv, LV Turovska, LI Nykyruy, IV Horichok
Chalcogenide letters 13 (7), 309, 2016
Krystalokvazikhimichni formuly nestekhiometrychnoho pliumbum telurydu iz skladnym spektrom tochkovykh defektiv i protsesy samolehuvannia
VM Boichuk, OV Tkachyk, LV Turovska, NI Dykun
Fizyka i khimiia tverdoho tila 8 (2), 366, 2007
Surfactant-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of NiFe2O4/reduced graphene oxide composites
V Boychuk, R Zapukhlyak, M Hodlevsky, V Kotsyubynsky, L Turovska
Materials Today: Proceedings 62, 5705-5711, 2022
Native point defects in lead telluride on the edge of the field homogeneity
DM Freik, IV Gorichok, MV Shevchuk, LV Turovska
Fiz. Khim. Tverd. Tila 12, 378, 2011
Інтеграція іншомовних лексем у сучасну українську термінологію
ЛВ Туровська
Наукові праці [Чорноморського державного університету імені Петра Могили …, 2009
Hydrothermally synthesized NiFe2O4/rGO composites: structure, morphology and electrical conductivity
M Hodlevska, V Kotsyubynsky, V Boychuk, I Budzulyak, B Rachiy, ...
Applied Nanoscience 13 (7), 5199-5209, 2023
Принципи побудови гібридних мікросистем для біомедичних застосувань
БС Дзундза, ІТ Когут, ВІ Голота, ЛВ Туровська, МВ Дейчаківський
Фізика і хімія твердого тіла 23 (4), 776, 2022
Electrical properties of cadmium telluride thin films doped with calcium and lithium
VV Prokopiv, BS Dzundza, SV Sharyn, TM Mazur, LV Turovska, ...
Physics and Chemistry of Solid State 21 (2), 232-237, 2020
Enhanced synthesis of copper ferrite magnetic nanoparticles via polymer-assisted sol-gel autocombustion method for magnetic hyperthermia applications
J Mazurenko, L Kaykan, JM Michalik, M Sikora, E Szostak, O Vyshnevskyi, ...
Journal of Nano Research 84, 95-116, 2024
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