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Walter Salzburger
Walter Salzburger
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Alıntı yapanlar
The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in African cichlid fish
D Brawand, CE Wagner, YI Li, M Malinsky, I Keller, S Fan, O Simakov, ...
Nature 513 (7518), 375-381, 2014
Sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fish
M Barluenga, KN Stölting, W Salzburger, M Muschick, A Meyer
Nature 439 (7077), 719-723, 2006
Origin of the superflock of cichlid fishes from Lake Victoria, East Africa
E Verheyen, W Salzburger, J Snoeks, A Meyer
Science 300 (5617), 325-329, 2003
Convergent evolution within an adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes
M Muschick, A Indermaur, W Salzburger
Current biology 22 (24), 2362-2368, 2012
Out of Tanganyika: genesis, explosive speciation, key-innovations and phylogeography of the haplochromine cichlid fishes
W Salzburger, T Mack, E Verheyen, A Meyer
BMC evolutionary biology 5, 1-15, 2005
The performance of phylogenetic algorithms in estimating haplotype genealogies with migration
W Salzburger, GB Ewing, A Von Haeseler
Molecular ecology 20 (9), 1952-1963, 2011
TANDEM: integrating automated allele binning into genetics and genomics workflows
M Matschiner, W Salzburger
Bioinformatics 25 (15), 1982-1983, 2009
Phylogeny of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid species flock and its relationship to the Central and East African haplochromine cichlid fish faunas
W Salzburger, A Meyer, S Baric, E Verheyen, C Sturmbauer
Systematic biology 51 (1), 113-135, 2002
The species flocks of East African cichlid fishes: recent advances in molecular phylogenetics and population genetics
W Salzburger, A Meyer
Naturwissenschaften 91, 277-290, 2004
Drivers and dynamics of a massive adaptive radiation in cichlid fishes
F Ronco, M Matschiner, A Böhne, A Boila, HH Büscher, A El Taher, ...
Nature 589 (7840), 76-81, 2021
Lake level fluctuations synchronize genetic divergences of cichlid fishes in African lakes
C Sturmbauer, S Baric, W Salzburger, L Rüber, E Verheyen
Molecular Biology and Evolution 18 (2), 144-154, 2001
The interaction of sexually and naturally selected traits in the adaptive radiations of cichlid fishes
W Salzburger
Molecular ecology 18 (2), 169-185, 2009
Speciation via introgressive hybridization in East African cichlids?
W Salzburger, S Baric, C Sturmbauer
Molecular Ecology 11 (3), 619-625, 2002
Genome divergence during evolutionary diversification as revealed in replicate lake–stream stickleback population pairs
M Roesti, AP Hendry, W Salzburger, D Berner
Molecular ecology 21 (12), 2852-2862, 2012
Understanding explosive diversification through cichlid fish genomics
W Salzburger
Nature Reviews Genetics 19 (11), 705-717, 2018
Geometric morphometric analyses provide evidence for the adaptive character of the Tanganyikan cichlid fish radiations
C Clabaut, PME Bunje, W Salzburger, A Meyer
Evolution 61 (3), 560-578, 2007
Evolution of the immune system influences speciation rates in teleost fishes
M Malmstrøm, M Matschiner, OK Tørresen, B Star, LG Snipen, TF Hansen, ...
Nature Genetics 48 (10), 1204-1210, 2016
Ecology and evolution of the African Great Lakes and their faunas
W Salzburger, B Van Bocxlaer, AS Cohen
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 45 (1), 519-545, 2014
Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in the Midas cichlid fish pharyngeal jaw and its relevance in adaptive radiation
M Muschick, M Barluenga, W Salzburger, A Meyer
BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 1-12, 2011
Vision using multiple distinct rod opsins in deep-sea fishes
Z Musilova, F Cortesi, M Matschiner, WIL Davies, JS Patel, SM Stieb, ...
Science 364 (6440), 588-592, 2019
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