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Vladimir Kurnosov, Владимир Курносов
Vladimir Kurnosov, Владимир Курносов
senior researcher of B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of
ilt.kharkov.ua üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Raman scattering in a single crystal
VI Fomin, VP Gnezdilov, VS Kurnosov, AV Peschanskii, AV Yeremenko, ...
Low Temperature Physics 28 (3), 203-209, 2002
Raman spectroscopy of HiPCO single-walled carbon nanotubes at 300 and 5 K
VA Karachevtsev, AY Glamazda, U Dettlaff-Weglikowska, VS Kurnosov, ...
Carbon 41, 1567–1574, 2003
Lattice and magnetic instabilities in ()
V Gnezdilov, Y Pashkevich, P Lemmens, V Kurnosov, P Berdonosov, ...
Physical Review B 96 (11), 115144, 2017
Flat-band spin dynamics and phonon anomalies of the saw-tooth spin-chain system
VP Gnezdilov, YG Pashkevich, VS Kurnosov, OV Zhuravlev, D Wulferding, ...
Physical Review B 99 (6), 064413, 2019
IR spectroscopy of the low-frequency phonon spectrum of the TbFe3 (BO3) 4 single-crystal
VS Kurnosov, VV Tsapenko, LN Bezmaternykh, IA Gudim
Low Temperature Physics 40 (12), 1087-1096, 2014
Spin wave spectrum of quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet NH3 (CH2) 2NH3MnCl4
VV Eremenko, VI Fomin, VS Kurnosov
Physica B: Condensed Matter 194, 187-188, 1994
Analysis of the low-frequency spectrum of the cubic noncentrosymmetric ferrimagnet Cu2OSeO3
VS Kurnosov, VP Gnezdilov, VV Tsapenko, P Lemmens, H Berger
Low Temperature Physics 38 (6), 489-498, 2012
Determination of low-energy electronic levels of the Tm3+ ion in the compound KTm (MoO4) 2
MI Kobets, VV Kurnosov, VA Pashchenko, EN Khats' Ko
Low Temperature Physics 25 (5), 379-380, 1999
Raman scattering of light by low-energy electronic excitations of the Tb3+ ion in the crystal KTb (WO4) 2
VV Eremenko, VS Kurnosov, AV Peschanskiĭ, VI Fomin, EN Khats’ko
Low Temperature Physics 33 (11), 915-919, 2007
Raman studies of superconducting energy gap in YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors
VP Gnezdilov, VV Eremenko, VS Kurnosov, AV Peschanskij, VI Fomiv
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 15 (8), 823-828, 1989
Magnetic and structural correlations in the warwickite Mn2OBO3
V Gnezdilov, Y Pashkevich, V Kurnosov, OV Zhuravlev, D Wulferding, ...
Low Temperature Physics 45 (9), 1046-1052, 2019
Features of the intensity behavior of Kramers doublet components in NdFe3 (BO3) 4 in the transverse Zeeman geometry
IS Kachur, VS Kurnosov, VG Piryatinskaya, AV Yeremenko, IA Gudim
Low Temperature Physics 43 (5), 590-596, 2017
Long-wavelength infrared spectra of the bilayer rare-earth manganites Pr1. 2Sr1. 8Mn2O7 and Nd1. 2Sr1. 8Mn2O7
VS Kurnosov, VV Pishko, VV Tsapenko
Low Temperature Physics 33 (10), 872-880, 2007
Phonon-assisted anti-Stokes excitation of the fluorescence of ions in the crystal
VV Eremenko, VI Fomin, VS Kumosov
Low Temperature Physics 26 (7), 479-483, 2000
Low-temperature structural phase transition in (C2H5NH3)2MnCl4 layered crystals
VP Gnezdilov, VV Eremenko, VS Kurnosov, VI Fomin
Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics 15 (11), 667-669, 1989
Phonon excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional Haldane phase of SrNi2V2O8
V Kurnosov, V Gnezdilov, P Lemmens, Y Pashkevich, AK Bera, A Islam, ...
Low Temperature Physics 43 (12), 1405-1414, 2017
Optical studies of the incommensurate charge ordered phase in La Sr NiO
YG Pashkevich, VA Blinkin, VP Gnezdilov, VS Kurnosov, VV Tsapenko, ...
Vibrational spectra and the nature of thermal broadening of light absorption bands in YBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O sub 7 sub- sub x
IS Kachur, VS Kurnosov, AV Peschanskii
Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics(English Translation) 18 (11), 846-8, 1992
Two-magnon light scattering in the quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnetic (NH3(CH2)2NH3)MnCl4
VP Gnezdilov, VV Eremenko, VS Kurnosov, VI Fomin
Soviet Physics-JETP (English Translation) 69 (6), 1267-1269, 1989
Peculiarities for Luminescence in Systems with Fullerene C60-Water Interface: Peculiarities for C60 Luminescence
GV Andrievsky, AA Avdeenko, LI Derevyanchenko, VI Fomin, ...
Spectroscopy of Emerging Materials, 151-160, 2005
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