Takip et
Marcos Rafael Nanni
Marcos Rafael Nanni
Professor de Agronomia, Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)
uem.br üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Spectral reflectance methodology in comparison to traditional soil analysis
MR Nanni, JAM Demattê
Soil science society of America journal 70 (2), 393-407, 2006
Visible–NIR reflectance: a new approach on soil evaluation
JAM Demattê, RC Campos, MC Alves, PR Fiorio, MR Nanni
Geoderma 121 (1-2), 95-112, 2004
The Brazilian soil spectral library (BSSL): A general view, application and challenges
JAM Demattê, AC Dotto, AFS Paiva, MV Sato, RSD Dalmolin, ...
Geoderma 354, 113793, 2019
Determining soil water status and other soil characteristics by spectral proximal sensing
JAM Demattê, AA Sousa, MC Alves, MR Nanni, PR Fiorio, RC Campos
Geoderma 135, 179-195, 2006
Optimum size in grid soil sampling for variable rate application in site-specific management
MR Nanni, FP Povh, JAM Demattê, RB Oliveira, ML Chicati, E Cezar
Scientia Agricola 68, 386-392, 2011
Quantification of tropical soil attributes from ETM+/LANDSAT‐7 data
JAM Demattê, MV Galdos, RV Guimarães, AM Genú, MR Nanni, J Zullo Jr
International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (17), 3813-3829, 2007
UAV-based thermal imaging in the assessment of water status of soybean plants
LGT Crusiol, MR Nanni, RH Furlanetto, RNR Sibaldelli, E Cezar, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 41 (9), 3243-3265, 2020
Soybean varieties discrimination using non-imaging hyperspectral sensor
CA da Silva Junior, MR Nanni, M Shakir, PE Teodoro, ...
Infrared Physics & Technology 89, 338-350, 2018
Nitrogen-improved photosynthesis quantum yield is driven by increased thylakoid density, enhancing green light absorption
T Moriwaki, R Falcioni, FAO Tanaka, KAK Cardoso, LA Souza, E Benedito, ...
Plant Science 278, 1-11, 2019
Vegetation indices for discrimination of soybean areas: A new approach
CA da Silva, MR Nanni, PE Teodoro, GFC Silva
Agronomy journal 109 (4), 1331-1343, 2017
Distinct growth light and gibberellin regimes alter leaf anatomy and reveal their influence on leaf optical properties
R Falcioni, T Moriwaki, CM Bonato, LA de Souza, MR Nanni, WC Antunes
Environmental and experimental botany 140, 86-95, 2017
High resolution leaf spectral signature as a tool for foliar pigment estimation displaying potential for species differentiation
R Falcioni, T Moriwaki, M Pattaro, RH Furlanetto, MR Nanni, WC Antunes
Journal of plant physiology 249, 153161, 2020
Satellite land surface temperature and reflectance related with soil attributes
VM Sayão, JAM Demattê, LG Bedin, MR Nanni, R Rizzo
Geoderma 325, 125-140, 2018
Vegetation indices and NIR-SWIR spectral bands as a phenotyping tool for water status determination in soybean
P Braga, LGT Crusiol, MR Nanni, ALH Caranhato, MB Fuhrmann, ...
Precision Agriculture 22, 249-266, 2021
Infiltração de água no solo em um Latossolo Vermelho da região sudoeste dos cerrados com diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo
JAM Bono, MCM Macedo, CA Tormena, MR Nanni, EP Gomes, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 36, 1845-1853, 2012
Methodology for bare soil detection and discrimination by Landsat TM Image
JAM Demattê, AR Huete, LG Ferreira, MR Nanni, MC Alves, PR Fiorio
Open Remote Sensing Journal 2, 24-35, 2009
Effect of fermentation residue on the spectral reflectance properties of soils
JAM Demattê, MAP Gama, M Cooper, JC Araújo, MR Nanni, PR Fiorio
Geoderma 120 (3-4), 187-200, 2004
Análise discriminante dos solos por meio da resposta espectral no nível terrestre
MR Nanni, JAM Demattê, PR Fiorio
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 39, 995-1006, 2004
Weathering sequence of soils developed from basalt as evaluated by laboratory (IRIS), airborne (AVIRIS) and orbital (TM) sensors
JAM Demattê, MR Nanni
International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (23), 4715-4738, 2003
Spectral reflectance for the mineralogical evaluation of Brazilian low clay activity soils
JAM Demattê, MR Nanni, AR Formaggio, JCN Epiphanio
International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (20), 4537-4559, 2007
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